AtoraSuunva / booru

Searches boorus for images using some js magic
MIT License
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Gelbooru limits anonymous usage now #90

Closed respektive closed 1 year ago

respektive commented 1 year ago

The limit seems to be pretty low. Anytime I try to search on gelbooru I get an error saying Search error: We have exceeded maximum queries per day for anonymous usage. Yukkuri Shiteitte ne! :<. This can be avoided by setting the api_key and uesr_id URL parameters, which i currently do in a bit of a hacky way, by editing the api search url. In the future the credentials param on the BooruClass should probably be used.

AtoraSuunva commented 1 year ago

I didn't implement credentials before because Boorus do it in a bunch of different ways and I couldn't come up with a "nice" way of doing it, but I'm also being hit with this issue so I've really gotta put aside my current project and fix booru

It might take a bit because I'm busy for the next few days but I'll see what I can do

AtoraSuunva commented 1 year ago

Added in booru@2.6.0

const booru = require('booru')
const gelbooru = booru.forSite('gb', { api_key: 'key', user_id: 'id' })

// or'gb', [], {
  credentials: { api_key: 'key', user_id: 'id' },
// Uses the same search URL as above