Atos-Research-and-Innovation / IoTagent-LoRaWAN

FIWARE IoT Agent for LoRaWAN protocol (with CayenneLpp and CBOR data models)
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Update support for chirpstack with data_model: application_server #139

Closed hbrito-gtc closed 2 years ago

hbrito-gtc commented 2 years ago

When using ChirpStack (before loraserverio) as application_server "provider": "" , and use a payload format decoding done by the application server, this agent expect receive a message.object (See loraserveriorAppService.js), but Chirspack publish with name objectJSON (See

The solution I have found is to set the payload marshaler on the Chirpstack application server as json_v3.

 # Payload marshaler.
  # This defines how the MQTT payloads are encoded. Valid options are:
  # * protobuf:  Protobuf encoding
  # * json:      JSON encoding (easier for debugging, but less compact than 'protobuf')
  # * json_v3:   v3 JSON (will be removed in the next major release)

With json (change the object name to JSON object and also put the escape character "\" before the double quotes, then the agent failed:


With json_v3:
