Atos-Research-and-Innovation / IoTagent-LoRaWAN

FIWARE IoT Agent for LoRaWAN protocol (with CayenneLpp and CBOR data models)
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Issues with MQTT Subscriptions, Service internal attributes #74

Open Cerfoglg opened 4 years ago

Cerfoglg commented 4 years ago

There appear to be some issues with the way the agent subscribe to the MQTT of the TTN.

  1. When the agent is started, if there are services created without a lorawan configuration in their internal attributes, no subscriptions to MQTT will be made, even when devices under those services do have a correct configuration and have made the subscription upon creating them.

  2. After a certain amount of time, it's as if the MQTT subscriptions to the TTN are dropped, and data no longer comes through to the agent. It's not clear why this happens, it appears like the subscriptions are expiring and are not renewed.