AtsushiSakai / rosbag_to_csv

Converter from ros bag to csv
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Port to ROS2 #13

Open guilyx opened 2 years ago

guilyx commented 2 years ago


Is there anyone working to port this project to ROS2 ? Do you if I port this to Rolling/Galactic/Foxy ?

serroukha commented 2 years ago

Hey, did you find a way to convert rosbag (ros2) to a csv file in an easy way. Thanks

AtsushiSakai commented 2 years ago

PR is welcome. (I don’t use ROS2…)

prat1kbhujbal commented 2 years ago

I am thinking of porting this to ros2 you can help me if you want to.

horverno commented 1 year ago

as a workaround open the ROS2 bag in Foxglove Studio (there is even an online version) and there is a possibility to export to csv. (This also works in ROS1)

jkaniuka commented 1 year ago

I wanted to port it to ROS2, but in the meantime, I noticed that someone had already done something similar. Convert ROS2 bag files to CSV, JSON, etc. :wink: