Attano / Left4Downtown2

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Version 0.6 crashes #10

Open accelerator74 opened 8 years ago

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

Attano commented 8 years ago

Why did you close this? Have you fixed this or what?

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

No. But version 0.6 still falls, but there is no crash dump. This dump version 0.5.7...

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

I will try to provide a crash dump version 0.6 tomorrow.

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

Crash dump version 0.6: Version 0.5.7 stable for me. 0.6 - crashes.

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

And again:

Attano commented 8 years ago

What Linux distribution and version are you using?

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

Your source code compiled on Ubuntu 14.04, gcc-4.8.

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

Latest branches sourcemod and metamod

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

Server OS: Linux Gentoo

Attano commented 8 years ago

You can switch to Ubuntu 12.04 or newer. This is guaranteed to solve your issue.

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

I found fix! l4d2_unlock_melees 1 I used extension l4d2_meleespawncontrol. And the set cvar to 1 stopped crashes

Attano commented 8 years ago

Nice to hear that!

accelerator74 commented 8 years ago

Crashes again.. I removed your changes - New forwards. And compiled without detours/inferno_spread.cpp and detours/shoved_by_pounce_landing.cpp. So, server full stable.

crasx commented 8 years ago

I also have this issue. @Accelerator74 are you able to make a PR?

crasx commented 8 years ago

According to my disassembly the issue is with (unsigned char *)target + 588) != 3 in inferno_spread.cpp

Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough to know what that offset should be.

Attano commented 8 years ago

@crasx, that detour is not used anywhere, it is safe to remove it completely. Or you can wait for the next version, I'll do it myself.