Atten4Vis / ConditionalDETR

This repository is an official implementation of the ICCV 2021 paper "Conditional DETR for Fast Training Convergence". (
Apache License 2.0
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Encoder ends with two LayerNorm layers #11

Closed joakimjohnander closed 2 years ago

joakimjohnander commented 2 years ago


First and foremost, thank you for your great work. I have one question. The encoder (using default settings) seems to terminate with two nn.LayerNorm . One is within TransformerEncoderLayer and the other within TransformerEncoder. Is this intentional?

Best regards, Joakim

DeppMeng commented 2 years ago


It is not intentional. We just use the same code as DETR on this part. We did not study how it affect the performance.