Attention-Network / attention-network-web-astro

The Attention Network Official Website
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Feature: Add a dynamic gallery in the homepage #1

Open tamalchowdhury opened 1 month ago

tamalchowdhury commented 1 month ago

The homepage of the website will feature several images.

We may want to call that from a content network.

Our goal is to fetch this list of images and then display them interactively.

Open to your suggestions on how we will do this.

Sub tasks:

  1. Pick a set of 10 or so images to be showcased.
  2. Agree on their aspect ratio 16:9 or 4:3.
  3. Resize them for the home component (for faster loading)
  4. Load them on the CMS.
  5. Display them on home component.
  6. Make it presentable (animate it etc)
00tanveer commented 1 month ago

sounds good @nerd-nafis any feedback?