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Further restrict the range of craftable items #532

Closed jakwings closed 5 years ago

jakwings commented 5 years ago

esp. prevent making a magical item made of plant fiber

AquariusPower commented 5 years ago

and also made of anything else, wish I knew that b4 creating cmdcraftfilters.cpp and related script, wonder if they are still useful? :>

to see almost a full list of what will be further denied (this is not the best filter tho) egrep "PostFix = \"[^\"]|Possibility = 0| Config |^[^ {}]" item.dat

jakwings commented 5 years ago

You can get a lot of "plant fiber stones" in UT1, then make a lot of belt of levitation and fly across the ocean.

I also blacklisted the categories: POTION, SCROLL, MISC.

A better approach could be to add the property "canBeCrafted" in Script/item.dat . The property can be inherited from the base class. This can be done after the planned release in this month (but I'm not sure if that will spoil my fun ;).

jakwings commented 5 years ago

Or a property "CraftDifficulty": 0 - impossible to craft, 1 - easiest, 2,3,...,N - harder

red-kangaroo commented 5 years ago

I like CraftDiffifulty. All magic items should be uncraftable anyway.

AquariusPower commented 5 years ago

at cmdcraft.cpp there is applyDifficulty() with some stuff already configured (hard coded) there, I think such database field could fit directly there at recipedata.fDifficulty.

The fumble formula: it is a per turn check for fumble, imagine like each hammer/carvingTool strike, may break the thing, crafthandle::CheckFumble() calls craftcore::CheckFumble() Crafting should not be something very difficult. As initial stats are all around 10, to require some progress to become a "novice crafter", it would require to have all stats around 20 (there is another formula for each stat weight) but I am not sure that is a good value, could be more than 20 I guess? Btw.: The minor fumble result (weak explosion) was just a fun/quick/easy way to let something bad happen (fire sparks from meltables at anvil), but makes no sense when carving on a workbench.

ryfactor commented 5 years ago

This seems like a self-contained change. Can it be merged now?

jakwings commented 5 years ago
