Attnam / ivan

Iter Vehemens ad Necem - a continuation of the graphical roguelike by members of
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Dismantling provides more material than what you started with #651

Open red-kangaroo opened 1 year ago

red-kangaroo commented 1 year ago

@Jaideay said:

I’ve discovered that the crafting system doesn’t maintain volume. If you craft a dagger and then dismantle it, you get back 4X what you put in
So I took an arcanite axe and crafted with it over and over till I had a full set of arcanite armor, a shield, and a scimitar
Works with carrots too. If you dismantle a carrot into a Carrot Stone, it weighs more and you get more perception out of it
Also you can craft Rune Swords
I had a valpurium rune sword a couple days ago. I died very quickly because I didn't actually have any other good gear
red-kangaroo commented 1 year ago

I feel like this wasn't the case before. There was a check for exactly this thing.

There was also some bug surrounding the sol stones, which have negative mass and thus couldn't be dismantled due to rounding errors resulting in more mass than before. Maybe we fixed the sol stones and broken this?