Atul-Anand-Jha / Speaker-Identification-Python

Speaker Identification System (upto 100% accuracy); built using Python 2.7 and python_speech_features library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
207 stars 75 forks source link

How to add new .wav file #22

Closed Pratikhyadav closed 4 years ago

Pratikhyadav commented 4 years ago

Hello Greate Project,

I want to add another file for voice identification

I have followed below steps:

  1. Generate .wav file
  2. Add a file into SampleData
  3. Create a folder in trainingData and add the same file into the created folder
  4. Add my file path into tainingDataPath.txt file
  5. Add .wav file in the list of testSamplePath.txt
  6. Run
  7. Run
  8. Run

After running with 0 input I am not able to identify the voice. Also, there is no any GMM file generated.

Is there any steps I have missed?

Please let me know if you need more details.

Atul-Anand-Jha commented 4 years ago

did you see any error or warning while running any of the script file ?

because, must generate GMM file models after training. Only then , it could be picked for identification purpose.