Atwix / phpstorm-plugin-feedback

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Auto-Detect Installation Path #1

Closed sprankhub closed 1 year ago

sprankhub commented 1 year ago

It is tedious having to set the Magento installation path manually. It would be much nicer if this was auto-detected. E.g., automatically check if Magento is installed inside the project directory or also one directory level further down. Maybe you can pre-fill the setting if the path can be auto-detected in one of these directories?

bohdan-harniuk commented 1 year ago

Hello, @sprankhub! Great idea! We will add this feature into the upcoming release. Thank you!

bohdan-harniuk commented 1 year ago

Hello, @sprankhub !

We have developed auto-detection for the Installation Path field.

How it works:

On project startup plugin checks if plugin is disabled or if installation path is empty. If so, next notification is shown for user:

Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 20 35 29

If user choses Yes:

Those changes will be available in the next release.
