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Quick Fix To Add Missing @vars To E-Mail Templates #31

Closed sprankhub closed 1 year ago

sprankhub commented 1 year ago

phpcs might sometimes report things like this:

 1 | WARNING | Template @vars comment block is missing a variable
   |         | used in the template.
   |         | Missing variable: var some_var_ame

If this applies to many variables, it is tedious to fix it. It would be nice to have a quick-fix, which inserts the variables into the e-mail template. References / examples:

bohdan-harniuk commented 1 year ago

Hello, @sprankhub!

Great idea, we will consider adding it to near releases.

Thank you,

bohdan-harniuk commented 1 year ago

Hi, @sprankhub!

This feature is already implemented in the latest release: 2023.5.0. I am closing this task as completed. Please, share your ideas with us so we can implement more useful things in the next releases.
