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Vendor folder not found when using mage-os fork #89

Open ProxiBlue opened 1 week ago

ProxiBlue commented 1 week ago

Please see issues as raised on magento2 (adobe) git repo for this module, which I think is now obsolete/superseded by this one.

It will be really great to see this fixed (in the free version please ;) )

ProxiBlue commented 1 week ago

The workaround noted seems no longer to work.

This effectively makes the magento module useless to use with mage-os.

bohdan-harniuk commented 1 week ago

Hello @ProxiBlue,

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. We greatly appreciate your contribution to improving our project.

Our team is now reviewing the problem, and we'll work on resolving it as quickly as possible. We will keep you updated on our progress, and if we have any questions or need more information from you, we'll reach out.

Once again, thank you for your report, and we'll do our best to address this issue promptly.

Best regards,

ProxiBlue commented 1 week ago

Just a note: since the original refered ticket, the error has changed


the symlinked workaround as noted is no longer working. I not been on this project for about a month (maybe a bit longer) so no idea when that stopped working, but either PHPStorm or m2 plugin update changed something, eliminating the workaround.