Closed sevstels closed 7 years ago
You need to compile using c++11 standard, this supports initialising variables at the definition.
Apologize for my small prompt, not all comilers supported this mode. Should try write correct code, without perversion... ;)
Dear author. For successful assemble our code with different compilers, you should do class member initialization inside in the class constructor, or use: class_ini() call. Presently, code have "indian style".
.\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.cpp ".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 220: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed int m_seed = 1337; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 221: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed FN_DECIMAL m_frequency = FN_DECIMAL(0.01); ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 222: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed Interp m_interp = Quintic; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 223: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed NoiseType m_noiseType = Simplex; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 225: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed int m_octaves = 3; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 226: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed FN_DECIMAL m_lacunarity = FN_DECIMAL(2); ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 227: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed FN_DECIMAL m_gain = FN_DECIMAL(0.5); ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 228: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed FractalType m_fractalType = FBM; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 231: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed CellularDistanceFunction m_cellularDistanceFunction = Euclidean; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 232: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed CellularReturnType m_cellularReturnType = CellValue; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 233: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed FastNoise* m_cellularNoiseLookup = nullptr; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 234: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed int m_cellularDistanceIndex0 = 0; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 235: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed int m_cellularDistanceIndex1 = 1; ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 236: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed FN_DECIMAL m_cellularJitter = FN_DECIMAL(0.45); ^
".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.h", line 238: cc0321: error: data member initializer is not allowed FN_DECIMAL m_gradientPerturbAmp = FN_DECIMAL(1); ^
15 errors detected in the compilation of ".\Source\Noise_Generator\FastNoise.cpp". Compilation terminated. cc3089: fatal error: Compilation failed Tool failed with exit/exception code: 1. Build was unsuccessful.