AuburnSounds / Dplug

Audio plugin framework. VST2/VST3/AU/AAX/LV2 for Linux/macOS/Windows.
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Wren + arm64 => wrong float properties #669

Closed p0nce closed 1 year ago

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Also reported by QA: Cubase 12.0.30 + macOS => crash

p0nce commented 2 years ago

nativeWindowResize gets called but _window is null

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Now the question is: is this still crashing for Cubase 12.0.30 + macOS

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Reproduced in Cubase Pro 12, before fix, crashes at instantiation while displaying a non-Wren-styled UI (or perhaps, partially styled)

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Log from Cubase

Application Specific Information:
Cubase 12(2030,0x30f79c000) malloc: Heap corruption detected, free list is damaged at 0x600002f099e0
*** Incorrect guard value: 7233174018435146591
abort() called

Thread 0::  Dispatch queue:
0   QuartzCore                          0x7ff81bb1e642 get_malloc_zone() + 0
1   QuartzCore                          0x7ff81b9b8053 CA::Layer::setter(unsigned int, _CAValueType, void const*) + 291
2   QuartzCore                          0x7ff81b9c11b9 -[CALayer setContentsCenter:] + 27
3   CoreUI                              0x7ff81bd0ce19 -[CUIThemeFacet updateLayer:effects:] + 770
4   CoreUI                              0x7ff81bd978cc CUICoreThemeRenderer::CreateOrUpdatePushButtonOrBevelButtonRoundLayer(CUIRenditionKey*, CUIDescriptor const*, CALayer**) + 370
5   CoreUI                              0x7ff81bd0a79c CUICoreThemeRenderer::CreateOrUpdateLayer(CUIDescriptor const*, CALayer**) + 886
6   CoreUI                              0x7ff81bd0a3a8 CUIRenderer::CreateOrUpdateLayer(__CFDictionary const*, CALayer**) + 200
7   AppKit                              0x7ff816e55bce -[NSCompositeAppearance _callCoreUIWithBlock:options:requireBezelTintColor:] + 398
8   AppKit                              0x7ff816e70395 -[NSAppearance _createOrUpdateLayer:options:] + 79
9   AppKit                              0x7ff816f17bb7 _withOverlaidDictionary + 128
10  AppKit                              0x7ff81734e352 -[NSWidgetView _updateWidgetLayers] + 219
11  AppKit                              0x7ff816f187fb -[NSWidgetView layout] + 17
12  AppKit                              0x7ff816ea2b8f _NSViewLayout + 564
13  AppKit                              0x7ff816ea2661 -[NSView _layoutSubtreeWithOldSize:] + 352
14  AppKit                              0x7ff816ea27bc -[NSView _layoutSubtreeWithOldSize:] + 699
15  AppKit                              0x7ff816ea27bc -[NSView _layoutSubtreeWithOldSize:] + 699
p0nce commented 2 years ago

Mmmmm, bug is release-only (EDIT: no), memory-corruption.

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Repro script:

dplug-build -a all -c VST3-FULL --installer -b release-debug
open builds/XXX-FULL-1.0.0.pkg
lldb -- /Applications/Cubase\
p0nce commented 2 years ago

Perhaps, quite simply, we never tested Wren on arm64

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Capture d’écran 2022-07-06 à 13 23 38 Perhaps another bug, but probably the same Knob correctly positioned, but oddly not drawn properly. Also in debug. printf doesn't work unfortunately, but lldb and running non-notarized builds now work. Sounds like a graphic primitive not working.

p0nce commented 2 years ago

A matrix for testing if the center knob of Distort is properly drawn:

So yeah apart from the Logic mystery the Distort bug seems related to arm64 and aaSoftDisc.

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Distort's problem: knobRadiusPx is small. because knobRadius is set to zero Every Wren float property is assigned zero, but not int properties

p0nce commented 2 years ago

Wren instructions trace

 131: 0004  CONSTANT             0 '1'
(fiber 0x600006a3c460) [closure 0x6000011433f0] | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | 620 | 330 | 1 | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | [instance 0x600001143840] | [instance 0x600001143870] | [instance 0x6000011438a0] | [instance 0x6000011438a0] | 0 | [foreign 0x6000011438d0] | 1 | 
 131: 0007  CONSTANT             1 '0'
(fiber 0x600006a3c460) [closure 0x6000011433f0] | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | 620 | 330 | 1 | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | [instance 0x600001143840] | [instance 0x600001143870] | [instance 0x6000011438a0] | [instance 0x6000011438a0] | 0 | [foreign 0x6000011438d0] | 1 | 0 | 
 131: 0010  LOAD_LOCAL_1
(fiber 0x600006a3c460) [closure 0x6000011433f0] | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | 620 | 330 | 1 | [class Plugin 0x6000025df980] | [instance 0x600001143840] | [instance 0x600001143870] | [instance 0x6000011438a0] | [instance 0x6000011438a0] | 0 | [foreign 0x6000011438d0] | 1 | 0 | 0 | 
 131: 0011  CALL_3             210 'setProp_(_,_,_)'
assign property knobRadius
 * float value 0,000000

The Wren properties:


The styling code:

driveKnob.knobRadius = 0.65

so... why would the local hold zero instead of 0.65?

p0nce commented 1 year ago

The wren line:

 ($"_driveKnob").knobRadius(0.65) // does nothing yet, but an UIKnob is returned

compiles to instructions:

  36: 0208  CONSTANT             9 '_driveKnob'
      0211  CALL_0             160 '$'
      0214  CONSTANT             8 '0'
      0217  CALL_1             190 'knobRadius(_)'
  37: 0220  CONSTANT            16 '15'
      0223  CALL_1             191 'numLEDs(_)'
  38: 0226  CONSTANT             8 '0'
      0229  CALL_1             192 'LEDRadiusMin(_)'
  39: 0232  CONSTANT             8 '0'
      0235  CALL_1             193 'LEDRadiusMax(_)'

which is wrong since the literals just get truncated after the dot...

p0nce commented 1 year ago

In Rosetta, correctly compiled to:

  36: 0208  CONSTANT             9 '_driveKnob'
      0211  CALL_0             160 '$'
      0214  CONSTANT            16 '0.65'
      0217  CALL_1             190 'knobRadius(_)'
  37: 0220  CONSTANT            17 '15'
      0223  CALL_1             191 'numLEDs(_)'
  38: 0226  CONSTANT            18 '0.06'
      0229  CALL_1             192 'LEDRadiusMin(_)'
  39: 0232  CONSTANT            18 '0.06'
      0235  CALL_1             193 'LEDRadiusMax(_)'
      0238  POP
p0nce commented 1 year ago

Numbers are parsed with strtod and strtod is locale dependent, would it be possible that in arm64 C runtime uses a different locale?

p0nce commented 1 year ago
strtod("0.65) // does nothing yet, but an UIKnob is returned

    static reflow() { 
        var W = UI.width
        var H = UI.height
        var S = W / UI.defaultWidth
        ($"_imageKnob").position =, 176, 46, 46).scaleByFactor(S)
        ($"_inputSlider").position =, 132, 30, 130).scaleByFactor(S)
        ($"_outputSlider").position =, 132, 30, 130).scaleByFactor(S)
        ($"_onOffSwitch").position =, 177, 30, 40).scaleByFactor(S)
        ($"_driveKnob").position =, 140, 120, 120).scaleByFactor(S)
        ($"_inputLevel").position =, 132, 30, 130).scaleByFactor(S)
        ($"_outputLevel").position =, 132, 30, 130).scaleByFactor(S)
        ($"_colorCorrection").position =, 0, W, H)
        ($"_resizer").position =, H-30, 30, 30)

parsed number literal = 0
p0nce commented 1 year ago

FLStudio and Cubase on arm64 set the C locale to french???

0.65 is parsed = 0
0,65 is parsed = 0,65

and Wren uses strtod

which means many other arm64 things will break. Shame.

p0nce commented 1 year ago
p0nce commented 1 year ago

Need scanf and strtod replacement for parsing float without locale interaction => #711

p0nce commented 1 year ago

Should be okay now if you use Dplug v12.7.22+ and wrep-port v1.1.4+, just need to test that.

p0nce commented 1 year ago
