Auctionator / Journalator

World of Warcraft addon. Keep track of your gold making on the AH, crafting orders and with vendors
MIT License
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Tips paid for crafting orders not appearing in summary #76

Open Freaky-Freddy opened 8 months ago

Freaky-Freddy commented 8 months ago

Brief Description of Bug

Recently installed journalator and noticed that tips that i paid for crafting orders don't show up in my expenses in the summary tab. Is this a known issue, intended or am i doing something wrong? Thank you in advance!

Steps to Reproduce

Create a crafting order and include a tip

Check the summary tab to see if the tip gets logged

Loaded Addons

!BugGrabber !KalielsTracker ACP AdvancedInterfaceOptions AdventureGuideLockouts AngryAssignments Ara_Broker_Reputations ArkInventory ArkInventoryConfig ArkInventoryRules ArkInventoryRules_Example ArkInventorySearch Auctionator BagBrother Bagnon Bagnon_Config Bagnon_Garbage Bagnon_GuildBank Bagnon_VoidStorage BetterAddonList BetterWardrobe BetterWardrobe_SourceData BigWigs BigWigs_Aberrus BigWigs_Amirdrassil BigWigs_BattleForAzeroth BigWigs_BurningCrusade BigWigs_Cataclysm BigWigs_Classic BigWigs_CommonAuras BigWigs_Core BigWigs_DragonIsles BigWigs_Legion BigWigs_MistsOfPandaria BigWigs_Options BigWigs_Plugins BigWigs_Shadowlands BigWigs_VaultOfTheIncarnates BigWigs_Voice BigWigs_WarlordsOfDraenor BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing Broker_Everything BtWLoadouts BtWQuests BtWQuestsBattleForAzeroth BtWQuestsCataclysm BtWQuestsDragonflight BtWQuestsLegion BtWQuestsMistsOfPandaria BtWQuestsShadowlands BtWQuestsTheBurningCrusade BtWQuestsWarlordsOfDraenor BtWQuestsWrathOfTheLichKing BugSack CallToArms CanIMogIt ChocolateBar DejaCharacterStats Details Details_Compare2 Details_DataStorage Details_Elitism Details_EncounterDetails Details_RaidCheck Details_Streamer Details_TinyThreat Details_Vanguard DialogKey DisableAutoAddSpells Dominos Dominos_Cast Dominos_Config Dominos_Progress Dominos_Roll DragonRider DynamicCam Executive_Assistant Executive_Assistant_FileCabinet FarmHud FarmHud_QuestArrow GatherMate2 HandyNotes HandyNotes_BattleForAzerothTreasures HandyNotes_BurningCrusade HandyNotes_DragonflightTreasures HandyNotes_LegionTreasures HandyNotes_MistsOfPandariaTreasures HandyNotes_SecretFish HandyNotes_ShadowlandsTreasures HandyNotes_TreasureHunter HandyNotes_WitheredArmyTraining HandyNotes_WrathOfTheLichKing idTip Immersion ImprovedStableFrame Journalator Journalator_Display Journalator_OptionsUI Journalator_Statistics Krowi_AchievementFilter Krowi_ExtendedVendorUI LargerMacroIconSelection LargerMacroIconSelectionData LittleWigs LittleWigs_BattleForAzeroth LittleWigs_BurningCrusade LittleWigs_Cataclysm LittleWigs_Classic LittleWigs_Legion LittleWigs_MistsOfPandaria LittleWigs_Shadowlands LittleWigs_WarlordsOfDraenor LittleWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing MacroToolkit MacroToolkitIcons MonkeySpeed MountJournalEnhanced MythicDungeonTools Notes OmniBar OmniCC OmniCC_Config OPie ParagonReputation PersonalLootHelper PetJournalEnhanced PetTracker PetTracker_Battle PetTracker_Config PetTracker_Journal Plater Plumber Prat-3.0 Prat-3.0_Libraries PremadeGroupsFilter RaiderIO RaiderIO_DB_EU_F RaiderIO_DB_EU_M RaiderIO_DB_EU_R RaiderIO_DB_KR_F RaiderIO_DB_KR_M RaiderIO_DB_KR_R RaiderIO_DB_TW_F RaiderIO_DB_TW_M RaiderIO_DB_TW_R RaiderIO_DB_US_F RaiderIO_DB_US_M RaiderIO_DB_US_R Rarity Rarity_Options SexyMap ShadowedUF_Options ShadowedUnitFrames SilverDragon SilverDragon_Overlay SilverDragon_RangeExtender SolidTooltips TLDRMissions TomTom ToyBoxEnhanced tullaRange tullaRange_Config UnlimitedMapPinDistance VenturePlan WeakAuras WeakAurasArchive WeakAurasModelPaths WeakAurasOptions WeakAurasTemplates WorldMapTrackingEnhanced WorldQuestTracker

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plusmouse commented 8 months ago

The paid tips will be shown in the Crafting Orders -> Successes tab. Can you screenshot there to confirm whether they were logged?

plusmouse commented 8 months ago

image image image

Freaky-Freddy commented 8 months ago

Its empty for me :/ 3

plusmouse commented 8 months ago

Do you use any non default mail interfaces?

Freaky-Freddy commented 8 months ago

No, im using the default blizzard one


plusmouse commented 8 months ago

Why haven't you taken/deleted the crafting order mails?

Freaky-Freddy commented 8 months ago

I just shift click them to quickly get the item from them, but unlike auction house mails these stay behind greyed

But they were opened and i have the items on me

Now when i open them again (simple click) they get deleted automatically when i close the mail (still nothing logged though)

plusmouse commented 8 months ago

Journalator only tracks successful crafting orders and their tips when the mail gets auto deleted. Which would explain why the tips aren't added to your summaries

Freaky-Freddy commented 8 months ago

I'm going to try disabling all addons (except journalator) and creating and opening a successful crafting order without shift clicking to see how that goes

Thanks for all the help!

Freaky-Freddy commented 7 months ago

Okay so i finally got around to place an order without other addons. Disabled everything except Auctionator and Journalator


The image below is my log before i did anything


The next two images is after i bought the materials for the order i was going to place: a Quack-E



A few minutes later my order got fulfilled


I left clicked on the item, it went to my inventory. Then i left clicked on the "close" button and the mail got closed and deleted automatically

The order still didn't get logged in the successes tab, and the tip+posting fee didn't get counted in my day log



Journalator Version 1.75, retail and playing in EU (probably doesn't matter, but just in case :P )

Doesn't seem that other people have this problem so its probably something weird with my installation. Not a big deal, everything else works great!

negue commented 6 months ago

Doesn't seem that other people have this problem so its probably something weird with my installation. Not a big deal, everything else works great!

I got the same issue - just tried my first work orders and wanted to see how much gold I lost with that 😬 and it was missing in there