I am using the XML Sitemap Generator for Google plugin in conjunction with Polylang. It appears that the plugin is not handling language-based child pages correctly.
For instance, instead of generating links like /en-nz/policies/security-policy, it produces links such as /en-nz/security-policy/security-policy.
I am unable to modify the permalink behavior because the sm_xml_sitemap_post_url filter is applied before the site languages modifications by Polylang.
Description: I am using the XML Sitemap Generator for Google plugin in conjunction with Polylang. It appears that the plugin is not handling language-based child pages correctly.
For instance, instead of generating links like /en-nz/policies/security-policy, it produces links such as /en-nz/security-policy/security-policy.
Details: I am unable to modify the permalink behavior because the sm_xml_sitemap_post_url filter is applied before the site languages modifications by Polylang.