AudDMusic / RedditBot

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Comment links to platforms directly to reddit #16

Open MKrabs opened 1 year ago

MKrabs commented 1 year ago

It would be cool to have the list of platforms + links in the reddit comment, instead of being redirected to a list.

Reason is that (for me) the link opens in a contained (in-app) Firefox windows, and the platform I use does not open in the app, but rather in the contained Firefox window.

Mihonarium commented 1 year ago

Lots of subreddits ban links to the platforms. Including YouTube (which is a problem, because sometimes the bot posts just a YouTube link instead of the one, and some subreddits remove the bot’s comment).

Also, the list would take lots of space.

Would it help if it was possible to pick a platform one and then get automatically redirected to it, with the window closing?

MKrabs commented 1 year ago

I forgot many subreddits been links. But it's still weird that they allow

Remembering everyone's standard app would not feel like a good solution:

Is using another service in the middle be something you'd want?

Reddit comment > every platform as a single line with link > host your own url shortener


I got a match with this song:

malo tebya (Hardstyle) by RaxiD (00:33; matched: 100%)

Released on 2022-02-07 by 3610691 Records DK.

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