Auden-Musulin-Papers / amp-app
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lines from poem don't show up #117

Closed demigrigo closed 7 months ago

demigrigo commented 8 months ago

in doc0038 the lines in lg from 2 and 3 page do not show up. Could you please take a look at it?

demigrigo commented 8 months ago

another example is doc0043:

linxOD commented 8 months ago

examples 0043, 0042

linxOD commented 8 months ago

in regard to 0043 the lb elements are absent in lg

timofruehwirth commented 7 months ago

now missing only this (in doc 0038):

                     <space quantity="23" unit="char"/>___<lb/>
                     <del>N</del> <space quantity="1" unit="char"/>I) Quotation from <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_5">W<del>8</del></rs><unclear>'</unclear>s poem <hi rend="underline"><rs type="lit_work" ref="#lit_work_id_40">Auf das Unabwendbare</rs></hi>.<lb/>
                     <space quantity="3" unit="char"/>2) Quotation from <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_5">W</rs>'s poem <hi rend="underline"><rs type="lit_work" ref="#lit_work_id_41">Kammermusik</rs></hi>.<lb/>
                     <space quantity="24" unit="char"/>__