Auden-Musulin-Papers / amp-app
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display `stamp` element in `desc` in `interp` in comment stating element name (doc 0057) #139

Closed timofruehwirth closed 6 months ago

timofruehwirth commented 6 months ago

<stamp>25<gap reason="illegible"/>61<unclear>.</unclear>13</stamp> displayed as stamp: ... in new line (from doc 0057)

<event ref="#amp_event_id_70"><label>Letter Stella Musulin to W. H. Auden 1964-09-01--1964-12-23</label></event> displayed as: event: Letter Stella Musulin to W. H. Auden 1964-09-01--1964-12-23 (without italics) (from doc 0002)

timofruehwirth commented 6 months ago

issue resolved