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add a blank line among biblliographical resurces #154

Closed demigrigo closed 6 months ago

demigrigo commented 6 months ago

When there are more than on bibls , we would like to have them seperated by a blank space, so it won't be confusing: (example from doc 0004)


linxOD commented 6 months ago

please follow one encoding shema:

                              <author ref="acdh:amp-index-persons.xml#amp_person_2"/>
                              <title level="a">Auden in Kirchstetten</title>
                              <title level="m">W.H. Auden: 'In Solitude, for Company': W.H. Auden After 1940</title>
                              <editor ref="acdh:amp-index-persons.xml#amp_person_231"/>
                              <publisher>Clarendon Press</publisher>
                              <pubPlace ref="acdh:amp-index-places.xml#amp_place_id_46"/>
                              <date when-iso="1995"/>
                              <idno type="ISBN">0-19-818294-5</idno>
                              <biblScope unit="page" from="207" to="233"/>
                              <citedRange unit="page" from="210" to="210"/>

always add the @ref attribute in top level e.g. author ref; editor ref ... Only add nested persName if you add a name.

demigrigo commented 6 months ago

thank you! I will :)