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display `date` element in same line as `space` preceding it (rather than in next line) #164

Closed timofruehwirth closed 3 months ago

timofruehwirth commented 6 months ago

in doc 0061 (same thing in doc 0030):

                <div type="letter_message">
                                 <seg hand="#printed">
                                        <rs type="place" ref="#amp_place_id_11">NEULINGGASSE 26/14<lb/>
                                        1030 WIEN</rs><lb/>
                                        <addrLine>TEL. 73 94 015</addrLine>
                             <space quantity="44" unit="char"/><date rend="#block">5. April 1977</date>
timofruehwirth commented 5 months ago

this is a solution that works (from doc 0031): <space quantity="46" unit="char"/><date rend="#inline">15 De<del>d</del>cember 1985.</date>

however, this is more like bending the data to the representation ...

in either case, we need a consistent solution for this situation (space before date)

timofruehwirth commented 5 months ago

@linxOD : as in the context of the AMP edition <date rend="#inline"> describes the original layout of letters (date in same line as place), we cannot use it for display purposes (even though it would work) when <date> is preceded by <space>; therefore we will need a display solution that can handle this case

linxOD commented 3 months ago

in this case it is not the date element that is display as block elment but persName in 0030 and placeName in 0061. Please remove the rend="block" attributes from date and add it to the other elments.

timofruehwirth commented 3 months ago

in doc 0030 and 0062, the date element is a "block" element as defined in other correspondence too, ie, stands on its own and not next to placename -> we need a solution that can display the date element next to space preceding it, also if it has @rend="block"

we do not use the @rend="block" attribute on any other elements

linxOD commented 3 months ago

CSS rules that apply to "display: block: An element that has the display property set to block starts on a new line and takes up the available screen width."

there is either inline or block... the only other way would be wrapping space and date in another element and display this element as block.

timofruehwirth commented 3 months ago

let's discuss this in our meet-up

timofruehwirth commented 3 months ago

memo to us (solution doc 0030):

                        <ab rend="#block">
                           <space quantity="40" unit="char"/><date>29th November 1985.</date>

(same solution not possible eg in doc 0061)