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correct display of person name if fetched #186

Closed timofruehwirth closed 2 months ago

timofruehwirth commented 2 months ago

eg doc 0053:

                        <interp xml:id="ana_014" source="ph_014"><!-- link to nanopub -->
                            <desc><rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_2">Stella Musulin</rs>'s son, <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_94">Marko Musulin</rs> (in an email from 15 February 2022), and the niece of <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_151">Edith Silbermann</rs>, Amy-Diana Colin (in a personal interview conducted in 2022), have identified the addressee of this letter as <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_151">Edith Silbermann</rs>. In the introduction to her book <hi rend="italic">Paul Celan - Edith Silbermann: Zeugnisse einer Freundschaft: Gedichte, Briefwechsel, Erinnerungen</hi>, Colin outlines the close acquaintance between Silbermann and <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_167">Janko</rs> and <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_2">Stella Musulin</rs>.
                                   <person><persName ref="acdh:amp-index-persons.xml#amp_person_151"/></person>

on website, amp_person_151 is displayed as "SilbermannEdith" (without space) - ideal solution would be "Silbermann, Edith" (with space and with comma)

timofruehwirth commented 2 months ago

thanks for the quick fix!