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problematic handling of `lg` within `seg` within `p` #187

Closed timofruehwirth closed 1 month ago

timofruehwirth commented 2 months ago

example 1 (from doc 0062):

                     <quote source="#lit_work_id_102">
                           <lb/><space quantity="5" unit="char"/><l>"In a house backed by orderly woods,</l>
                           <lb/><space quantity="6" unit="char"/><l>Facing a tractored sugar-beet country,</l>
                           <lb/><space quantity="6" unit="char"/><l>Your working hosts engaged to their stint,</l>
                           <lb/><space quantity="6" unit="char"/><l><del>S</del>You are unlike<del>ly</del> to encounter</l>
                           <lb/><space quantity="6" unit="char"/><l>Dragons or romance: <space quantity="1" unit="char"/>were drama a craving,</l>
                           <lb/><space quantity="6" unit="char"/><l>You would not have come."</l>
                     <lb/><space quantity="27" unit="char"/>(<rs type="lit_work" ref="#lit_work_id_102">For Friends Only - for <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_95">John</rs> and
                     <lb/><space quantity="39" unit="char"/><rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_96">Teckla Clark</rs></rs>).

example 2 (doc 0062):

                  <space quantity="5" unit="char"/>To what extent parts of this lecture had been said or written<lb/>
                  before is immaterial, it is still surprising that <del>he</del><rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_1">Auden</rs> chose to<lb/>
                  repeat it in <rs type="place" ref="#amp_place_id_47">Neulengbach</rs>. <space quantity="1" unit="char"/>If here and there, he<lb/>
                     <quote source="#lit_work_id_200">
                           <lb/><space quantity="11" unit="char"/><l>Adopted what I would disown</l>
                           <lb/><space quantity="11" unit="char"/><l>The preacher's loose immodest tone</l>
timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

works now perfectly, thank you