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how can AMP photos be referenced in `bibl` within `interp` #197

Closed timofruehwirth closed 1 month ago

timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

in interp, we would like to refer to an AMP photo, like so: <bibl sameAs="acdh:amp-transcript__0072.xml"/>; however, the page cannot be built then because it searches for the 0072 file among correspondence (instead of among photos, or among whole collection of documents) - how can this be helped?

example from doc 0028:

                  <interp xml:id="ana_048" source="ph_048"><!-- link -->
                        In her autobiography <hi rend="italic"><foreign xml:lang="de">Welche Welt ist meine Welt? Erinnerungen 1946-1989</foreign></hi>, <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_78">Hilde Spiel</rs> recalls a dinner “at the manor house of a Count Colloredo, near <rs type="place" ref="#amp_place_id_2">Auden’s house</rs>”, including herself as well as <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_1">Auden</rs> and <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_4">Kallman</rs>, in May 1971 (250-251). <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_2">Stella Musulin</rs>'s estate includes a <ref target="acdh:amp-transcript__0072.xml">photograph</ref>, taken by her, of <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_226">Friedrich Colloredo-Mansfeld</rs>, Auden, and Kallman.
                           <person><persName ref="acdh:amp-index-persons.xml#amp_person_226"/></person>
                              <author ref="acdh:amp-index-persons.xml#amp_person_78"/>
                              <title xml:lang="de">Welche Welt ist meine Welt? Erinnerungen 1946-1989</title>
                              <publisher>List Verlag</publisher>
                              <pubPlace ref="acdh:amp-index-places.xml#amp_place_id_26"/>
                              <date when-iso="1990"/>
                              <idno type="ISBN">3-471-78633-3</idno>
                              <citedRange unit="page" from="250" to="251"/>
                           <!--<bibl sameAs="acdh:amp-transcript__0072.xml"/>-->
                     <respons resp="dgrigoriou smayer tfruehwirth" locus="value"/>
                     <certainty cert="medium" locus="value"/>
timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

solved, thank you