Auden-Musulin-Papers / amp-app
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please enable display of `floating text` contents #206

Closed timofruehwirth closed 1 month ago

timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

eg, lines 618 ff doc 0028

linxOD commented 1 month ago

please explain what I should enable? The content of floating text is already displayed.

timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

the following content is not displayed:

               <quote source="acdh:amp-transcript__0010.xml">
                        <div type="letter">
                              <space quantity="8" unit="char"/><rs type="place" ref="#amp_place_id_29">77 St. Mark´s Place</rs> <space quantity="25" unit="char"/>Nov 6th<lb/>
                              <space quantity="8" unit="char"/>NYC<lb/>
                              <space quantity="9" unit="char"/>NY.1003
                              <space quantity="16" unit="char"/>Dear <rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_2">Stella</rs>,<lb/>
                              <space quantity="13" unit="char"/>Many thanks for <rs type="event" ref="#amp_event_id_91">your letter</rs>. <space quantity="1" unit="char"/>Of course,<lb/>
                              <space quantity="13" unit="char"/>selfishly, I´m rather relieved. <space quantity="1" unit="char"/>How horrid<lb/>
                              <space quantity="13" unit="char"/>one is!<lb/>
                              <space quantity="13" unit="char"/>The <rs type="place" ref="#amp_place_id_15">U.S.</rs> is grim.<lb/>
                              <space quantity="25" unit="char"/>Love,<lb/>
                              <space quantity="30" unit="char"/><rs type="person" ref="#amp_person_1">Wystan</rs>.
timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

thank you, issue resolved