Auden-Musulin-Papers / amp-data
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Prose ODD: container structure and rules #167

Open timofruehwirth opened 2 months ago

timofruehwirth commented 2 months ago

-<teiHeader> --<interpGrp> as in correspondence -<text type="prose" hand="#????"> required --<body> ---<div type="transcription" xml:id="transcription_amp_????" xml:lang="??"> required ----<pb facs="" type="sheet" ed="??"/> required -----within <div type="transcription" ...>: <space quantity="??" unit="char"/><head><hi rend="underline"><rs type="lit_work" ref="#lit_work_id_??"> all of this optional -----within <div type="transcription" ...>: <p> optional ------within p: <space quantity="??" unit="char"/>, <del>, <rs>, <high rend="????"> optional -----within transcription div:<quote source="????"> optional (at same level as ps) -> this is somewhat urgent ------within quote: seg optional, p optional, ab optional -----<ab> optional (for page numbers and other non-paragraph additions) ------within ab: <space quantity="??" unit="char"/>, <del>, <rs>, <high rend="????"> optional -----<p prev="true"> optional (for ps that stretch over a pb element; also if the two ps are interrupted by an ab such as for page numbers) ------within p: optional seg -------within seg: optional quote source="????" (for quote same rules as in correspondence ODD), and also lb and space --------within quote: optional seg, optional lg (for lg same rules as in correspondence ODD)


linxOD commented 1 month ago

unfortunately a framework can only have one schema. Two options:

timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

ok, which part of the following lines do we replace with framework/auden-musulin/...?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="">

furthermore, if we proceed like this, how do we deal with hybrid documents (containing of a letter with envelope, but also enclosing a prose text as attachment)?

timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago


timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="../../framework/auden-musulin/schema/out/am-prose.rng" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="">
timofruehwirth commented 1 month ago

update in 8th line: p within first-level div only optional (because we have instances where we only have abs)

timofruehwirth commented 3 weeks ago

we need this update: the <div type="transcription" ...> can optionally also contain another div type="prose" (also at the very beginning), see doc 0028; and this lower-level div can also contain a div (next to paragraphs, abs etc.)

linxOD commented 3 weeks ago

doc 0028 has many problems we might want to discuss. e.g. mixing div, ab and p at same structural level.

timofruehwirth commented 3 weeks ago
linxOD commented 3 weeks ago

testing required:

  • we need div type="prose" as wrapper for prose text proper within div type="transcription" ...
  • we need type-less div (eg for stamps)
  • we need floatingText with body with div type="prose" or div type="letter" or type-less div

is allowed in TEI all:

  • update: floatingText can be wrapped within quote (such as for speech embedded in doc 0062)
timofruehwirth commented 3 weeks ago

update: in both correspondence and prose, we need to markup revisions like so:

-> so far, this has no implications for app display!

timofruehwirth commented 3 weeks ago

thank you for the update!

timofruehwirth commented 3 weeks ago

we also need del @rend with value "overstrike" and "overwritten"

timofruehwirth commented 2 weeks ago

thank you, everything works

timofruehwirth commented 2 weeks ago

update: we need g inside l and p; we need glyph (with desc inside) within charDecl within encodingDesc in diesem Zusammenhang noch eine wichtige Frage: können wir von g ref="# ... auf ein glyph verweisen, das im Header eines anderen Dokuments steht? (so wie bei den Kommentaren auch ...)

further update: we need value "whiteout" for @rend in del in correspondence and prose

linxOD commented 1 week ago

Bei einem Kommentar macht es durchaus Sinn auf ein anderes Dokument zu verweisen. Jedoch würde ich Glyphs duplizieren und in jedem Dokument alle Glyphs darstellen, die im Transkript verwendet werden.

timofruehwirth commented 1 week ago

update: we also need value "metamark" for @rend in del in prose and correspondence