Audio4Linux / JDSP4Linux

An audio effect processor for PipeWire and PulseAudio clients
GNU General Public License v3.0
874 stars 31 forks source link

Multiple output devices #192

Open TheJAXi opened 3 months ago

TheJAXi commented 3 months ago

Would it be possible to support multiple output devices at the same time like Equalizer APO does? This would be (huge) one step closer to linux only setup in my case.

At the moment I'm running my audio through virtual machine as I haven't been able to migrate my "complex" audio setup to pipewire yet. This is the only thing that basically forces me to use Windows (though in a vm). It'd be so much less overhead too, not running an entire system to route audio.

I basically run 5 audio devices in APO with preamp-eq-hesuvi simultaneously.

And uhm... What's the order of those existing "settings"? EQ>Convolver?

Should've probably posted this in the discussions, sorry.