AudithSoftworks / Uniform

A jQuery plugin to make your form controls look how you want them to. Now with HTML-5 attributes!
MIT License
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Add compatibility with jQuery 2 and up in bower.json #438

Closed snamor closed 7 years ago

snamor commented 7 years ago

Fix the fact that this plugin should work with jQuery 1.6+, but the bower.json claims that it only works in versions between >=1.6 & < 2.0.

CLAassistant commented 7 years ago

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shehi commented 7 years ago

I don't know about what Bower says, but we use Semver and ^1.6 means this package uses only jQuery 1.x (where it is > 1.6). The upcoming v5 of Uniform will support jQuery v2 and v3. I haven't started working on it yet, but if you are willing to assist with that, please let me know, I will create initial branch to start work on. If that becomes a case, please be advised that v5 of Uniform will require cleaning up it's codebase from Legacy workarounds and deprecated practices - it's not about bumping jQuery version alone. Closing this merge.

shehi commented 7 years ago

I also would like to add that I realize this version lock may create problems for you with Bower when you have to use jQuery 1+ (due to contradicting versions). For that reason, I actually plan dumping Bower altogether in favor of NPM-only solution. I am not going to debate the wisdom of that decision here (feel free to google the "bower is evil" topic and do your own research, this is a good starting point).