AugmentariumLab / omnisyn

OmniSyn: Synthesizing 360 Videos with Wide-baseline Panoramas (VRW 2022)
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An important question about splitting panorama into perspective cube-maps? #13

Closed EchoTHChen closed 1 year ago

EchoTHChen commented 1 year ago


Sorry to bother you again!

I want to use the code of data_readers/ to split panorama into cube-maps. (to run other perspective image methods on habitat-matterport3d)

But I seem to get wrong translations and rotations. After I get the cube-map images, cube-map z-depths, rotations and translations, I try to re-project the key-points with its z-depth information from the perspective source view to other perspective views. But the visualization results are wrong.

Source View: The source perspective view and extracted sift key-points from it:


Other Views: The examples of re-projected key-points in other perspective views:

other_2_4 other_0_4

It seems the poses of cube-maps are wrong. But I don't know where my code went wrong. I would like to ask for your help.


1. generate cube-maps

I get cube-maps according to the following code by revising the get_vector_sample function of data_readers/

  def get_vector_sample(self, index, num_views, isTrain=True):
    if self.num_samples % self.images_before_reset == 0:

    # Randomly choose an index of given environments
    if isTrain:
      index = index % self.num_train_envs
      index = (index % self.num_val_envs) + self.num_train_envs

    depths = []
    rgbs = []

    orig_location = np.array(self.env.sample_navigable_point(index))
    rand_angle = 0
    if not self.use_rand:
      rand_angle = self.rng.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)

    orig_rotation = [0, np.sin(rand_angle / 2), 0, np.cos(rand_angle / 2)]#[0, 0, 0, 1]
    # obs = self.env.get_observations_at(
    #   index, position=orig_location, rotation=orig_rotation
    # )
    translations = []
    rotations = []
    depth_cubes = []
    rgb_cubes = []
    rots_cubes = []
    trans_cubes = []

    for i in range(0, num_views):
      rand_location = orig_location.copy()
      rand_rotation = orig_rotation.copy()
      if self.opts.image_type == "translation_z":
        movement_deltas = {
          0: self.m3d_dist,
          1: 0.0,
          2: -self.m3d_dist
        rand_location[[2]] = (
            orig_location[[2]] + movement_deltas[i]
        raise ValueError("Unknown image type")

      cubemap_rotations = [
        Rotation.from_euler('x', 90, degrees=True),  # Top
        Rotation.from_euler('y', 0, degrees=True),
        Rotation.from_euler('y', -90, degrees=True),
        Rotation.from_euler('y', -180, degrees=True),
        Rotation.from_euler('y', -270, degrees=True),
        Rotation.from_euler('x', -90, degrees=True)  # Bottom

      rgb_cubemap_sides = []
      depth_cubemap_sides = []

      rand_location = rand_location + np.array([0, 1.25, 0]) #
      rand_rotation = Rotation.from_quat(rand_rotation) #
      for j in range(6):
        my_rotation = (rand_rotation * cubemap_rotations[j]).as_quat()
        obs = self.env.get_observations_at(
        normalized_rgb = obs["rgb"].astype(np.float32) / 255.0

      locations_cubemap_sides = np.stack(locations_cubemap_sides, axis=0)
      rotations_cubemap_sides = np.stack(rotations_cubemap_sides, axis=0)      

      rgb_cubemap_sides = np.stack(rgb_cubemap_sides, axis=0)
      rgb_erp_image = self.stitch_cubemap(rgb_cubemap_sides, clip=True)
      depth_cubemap_sides = np.stack(depth_cubemap_sides, axis=0)

      depth_erp_image = self.stitch_cubemap(depth_cubemap_sides, clip=False)
      depths += [depth_erp_image]
      rgbs += [rgb_erp_image]



    trans_cubes = np.stack(trans_cubes, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
    rots_cubes = np.stack(rots_cubes, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
    depth_cubes = np.stack(depth_cubes, axis=0)#.astype(np.float32)
    rgb_cubes = np.stack(rgb_cubes, axis=0)#.astype(np.float32)

    translations = np.stack(translations, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
    rotations = np.stack(rotations, axis=0).astype(np.float32)

    reference_idx = self.reference_idx

    for i in range(translations.shape[0]):
      for j in range(6):
        trans_cubes[i, j] = np.linalg.inv(rotations[reference_idx]) @ (
          trans_cubes[i,j] - translations[reference_idx]
        rots_cubes[i,j] = rotations[reference_idx] @ np.linalg.inv(rots_cubes[i, j])#
    for i in range(translations.shape[0]):
      if i != reference_idx:
        translations[i] = np.linalg.inv(rotations[reference_idx]) @ (
            translations[i] - translations[reference_idx])
        rotations[i] = rotations[reference_idx] @ np.linalg.inv(rotations[i])#

    translations[reference_idx] = 0.0 * translations[reference_idx]
    rotations[reference_idx] = np.eye(3)

    self.num_samples += 1

    rgbs = np.stack(rgbs, axis=0)
    depths = np.stack(depths, axis=0)
    depths = depths[..., 0:1]
    depths = self.zdepth_to_distance(depths)
    sample = {
      "rgb_panos": rgbs[:, :, :, :3],
      "rots": rotations,
      "trans": translations,
      "depth_panos": depths[:, :, :, 0],
      "rgb_cubes": rgb_cubes,
      "depth_cubes": depth_cubes,
      "rots_cubes": rots_cubes,
      "trans_cubes": trans_cubes,
    return sample

2. read cube-map data and save as test_data.npz

from import DataLoader
from data_readers.habitat_data import HabitatImageGenerator

def load_data(mode, full_width, full_height, m3d_dist, seq_len=3, reference_idx=1):
    # args.dataset_name == "m3d":
    train_data = HabitatImageGenerator(

    train_dataloader = DataLoader(
    return train_data, train_dataloader

train_data, train_loader = load_data(mode, 512, 256, 1.0, seq_len=3, reference_idx=1)

def vis_data(mode):
    loader = train_loader
    for i, data in enumerate(loader):
        panos = data["rgb_panos"]
        depths = data["depth_panos"]
        rots = data["rots"]
        trans = data["trans"]
        rgb_cubes = data["rgb_cubes"]
        depth_cubes = data["depth_cubes"]
        trans_cubes = data["trans_cubes"]
        rots_cubes = data["rots_cubes"]
        import numpy as np
        np.savez("./test_data.npz", panos=panos, depths=depths, rots=rots, trans=trans, rgb_cubes=rgb_cubes, \
            depth_cubes=depth_cubes, trans_cubes = trans_cubes, rots_cubes=rots_cubes)  


3. get key-points from source view and write key-points to other views:(need to pip install opencv-python opencv-contrib-python first)

import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
# read data
data = np.load("./test_data.npz", allow_pickle=True)
rgb_pano = data["panos"]
rgb_cubes = data["rgb_cubes"]#1,3,6, 256, 256, 3
depth_cubes = data["depth_cubes"] # 1,3,6, 256, 256,1
trans_cubes = data["trans_cubes"]
rots_cubes = data["rots_cubes"]
H, W = rgb_cubes.shape[3:5]

#source view
pano_src_idx = 1 # 1-th pano
cube_idx = 4 # 4-th cube of 1-th pano
current_rgb = np.uint8(rgb_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]*255)
current_depth = depth_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]
current_trans = trans_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]
current_rots = rots_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]

# intrinsic parameters
f = 0.5 * W * 1 / np.tan(0.5 * FOV / 180.0 * np.pi)
cx = (W - 1) / 2.0
cy = (H - 1) / 2.0
K = np.array([
        [f, 0, cx],
        [0, f, cy],
        [0, 0,  1],
    ], np.float32)
print("K:", K)

#get keypoints in source views
gray = cv2.cvtColor(np.uint8(current_rgb*255), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(nfeatures=200, contrastThreshold=0.02, edgeThreshold=20)
kp = sift.detect(gray, None)

print("len(kp):", len(kp))
keypoints = [[int(kp[idx].pt[0]), int(kp[idx].pt[1])] for idx in range(len(kp))]
keypoints = np.array(keypoints)

os.makedirs("vis_bug", exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/src_orig.jpg", current_rgb)
d_min = current_depth.min()
d_max = current_depth.max()
d_gray=np.uint8((current_depth-d_min)/(d_max - d_min)*255)
d_color = cv2.applyColorMap(d_gray, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/d_color.jpg", d_color)

z_depth = current_depth[keypoints[: , 1], keypoints[:, 0], :]
valid_list = np.where(z_depth>0)[0]# keep only keypoints with positive-depth
z_depth = z_depth[valid_list]#n, 1
keypoints = keypoints[valid_list] #n ,2

#write keypoints in source view    
for i in range(len(keypoints)):
    coord_x, coord_y = keypoints[i, 0], keypoints[i, 1], (int(coord_x), int(coord_y)), color = (0, 0, 255), thickness = 2, radius=2)
cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/src.jpg", current_rgb)

#get world coordinates of keypoints
N, _ = keypoints.shape
points_homo = np.concatenate([keypoints, np.ones((N, 1))], axis=1)#N, 3
points_cam_norm = np.linalg.inv(K)@points_homo.T #3x3, 3xN->3xN
points_cam = points_cam_norm*(z_depth.T).repeat([3], axis=0)#3xN, 1,N->3xN
current_pose = np.concatenate([current_rots, current_trans.reshape(3, 1)], axis=1)
current_pose = np.concatenate([current_pose, np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])], axis=0)#w2c
points_w = np.linalg.inv(current_pose)@ np.concatenate([points_cam, np.ones((1, points_cam.shape[1]))], axis=0)

num_pano_views = rgb_cubes.shape[1]#3
num_cube_views = rgb_cubes.shape[2]#6

for i in range(num_pano_views):
    for j in range(num_cube_views):
        print("i, j:", i,j)
        rgb_other = np.uint8(rgb_cubes[0, i, j]*255)
        trans_other = trans_cubes[0, i, j].reshape(3, 1)
        rots_other = rots_cubes[0, i, j]   
        points_cam_other = rots_other@points_w[:3, :]+trans_other               

        points_coords_h = K @ points_cam_other[:3, :]#()@(3,N)->3,N
        valid_list = np.where(points_cam_other[2, :]>0)[0]
        points_coords_h = points_coords_h[:, valid_list]

        points_coords = (points_coords_h/points_coords_h[2:, :]).T #->N,2
        cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/other_"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+"_orig.jpg", rgb_other)
        for coord_i in range(len(points_coords)):
            coord_x, coord_y = points_coords[coord_i, 0], points_coords[coord_i, 1]
            if coord_x >=0 and coord_x < W and coord_y >=0 and coord_y < H:
      , (int(coord_x), int(coord_y)), color = (0, 0, 255), thickness = 2, radius=2)
        cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/other_"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+".jpg", rgb_other)

I would be grateful if you could help me!

EchoTHChen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply! Yes, the re-projection is right now after doing that.

Another Question

I have another question. I'm very confused why translation of panorama do not need to transpose the coordinates. Shouldn't the translation of panorama and cube-maps be consistent in translation?

I hope to render a panorama by perspective methods (such as NeRF and its variants) with the consistent translation and world coordinates between cube-maps and panorama. Now it seems that it is not consistent, caused by the problem above.

I write the following code and find that the world coordinates of key-points are not consistent.


1. I extract key-points from panorama (view 1) and visualize key-points in view 2 of panorama. And the key-points are re-projected to world coordinates and saved as keypoints_world.npz

source panorama view: src_1.jpg src_1

target panorama view: target_2.jpg target_2

1.extract keypoints from panorama view 1

2.write keypoints to panorama view 2 keypoints in world coordinates!

import numpy as np
import torch
import cv2

keypoints_idx = 1 #source view idx
target_idx = 2# target view idx

w = 512
h = 256

def np_cartesian_to_spherical(xyz, eps=None, linearize_angle=np.deg2rad(10)):
    x = xyz[:, 0]
    y = xyz[:, 1]
    z = xyz[:, 2]
    theta = np.arctan2(z, x)
    radius = np.linalg.norm(xyz, axis=-1)
    y_over_r = y / radius
    phi = np.arccos(y_over_r)
    return theta, phi, radius

def np_spherical_to_cartesian(theta, phi, r):
    tmp = r * np.sin(phi)
    x = tmp * np.cos(theta)
    y = r * np.cos(phi)
    z = tmp * np.sin(theta)
    return np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1)

def _get_data(idxs):
    data = np.load(root_dir+'/test_data.npz')
    rots = data["rots"][:, idxs, ...]
    trans = data["trans"][:, idxs, ...]
    # trans = trans[..., [2,0,1]]
    panos = data["panos"][:, idxs, ...]
    depths = data["depths"][:, idxs, ...]
    return rots, trans, panos, depths#, pred_depths

def _load_matterport3d():
    idxs = [0, 1, 2]   
    rots, trans, panos, depths = _get_data(idxs)
    def get_poses(rots, trans):
        seq_len = rots.shape[1]
        bottom = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        pose_list = []
        for idx in range(seq_len):
            rot = rots[0, idx, ...]
            tr = trans[0, idx, ...]
            pose = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate([np.concatenate([rot, tr[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1), bottom], axis=0))#w2c
            pose = torch.inverse(pose) #c2w
            pose = pose[:3, :]
        pose_list = torch.stack(pose_list)
        return pose_list
    poses = get_poses(rots, trans)
    def get_colors(panos):
        seq_len = panos.shape[1]
        panos = panos[0, ...]
        s_panos = []
        for idx in range(seq_len):
            s_panos.append(cv2.resize(panos[idx], (w, h), cv2.INTER_LINEAR))
        s_panos = np.stack(s_panos)
        panos = torch.from_numpy(s_panos)        
        panos = panos[:, :, :, [2, 1, 0]]
        return panos
    colors = get_colors(panos)
    s_depths = torch.from_numpy(depths[0])
    return poses, colors, s_depths

def projection():
    poses, color, depth = _load_matterport3d()
    panos_np =   
    depths_np =
    poses_np =
    H = panos_np.shape[1]
    W = panos_np.shape[2]

    gray = cv2.cvtColor(np.uint8(panos_np[keypoints_idx, ...]*255), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 
    sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(nfeatures=200, contrastThreshold=0.02, edgeThreshold=20)
    kp = sift.detect(gray, None)

    print("len(kp):", len(kp))
    keypoints = [[int(kp[idx].pt[0]), int(kp[idx].pt[1])] for idx in range(len(kp))]
    keypoints = np.array(keypoints)
    # keypoints = np.stack([key_points[:, 1] ,key_points[:, 0]], axis=1)    
    pano_src = np.uint8(panos_np[keypoints_idx, ...]*255)

    for i in range(len(keypoints)):
        coord_x, coord_y = keypoints[i, 0], keypoints[i, 1]
        print("coord_x, coord_y:", coord_x, coord_y), (int(coord_x), int(coord_y)), color = (0, 0, 255), thickness = 1, radius=1)
    cv2.imwrite("src_"+str(keypoints_idx)+".jpg", pano_src)

    r = depths_np[keypoints_idx, keypoints[:, 1], keypoints[:, 0]]#N, 1
    x = keypoints[:, 0]#N, 1
    y = keypoints[:, 1]#N, 1

    theta = x / W * 2 * np.pi
    theta = np.clip(theta, EPS, 2*np.pi-EPS) - 1.5*np.pi#
    phi = y / H * np.pi
    phi = np.clip(phi, EPS, np.pi-EPS)

    verts = np_spherical_to_cartesian(theta, phi, r)#N, 3
    N = verts.shape[0]
    verts_homo = np.concatenate([verts.T, np.ones((1, N))], axis=0)#4, N
    pose_c2w_src = poses_np[keypoints_idx]#3, 4            
    verts_world =  pose_c2w_src @ verts_homo #3, N #np.matmul(m_rot, verts.T) - np.repeat(trans_src[:,np.newaxis], N, axis=1)#3,N - 3, N
    np.savez("keypoints_world.npz", kp=verts_world)

    #world to camera    
    pose_c2w_target = poses_np[target_idx]#3, 4
    bottom = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])
    pose_c2w_target_sqr =np.concatenate([pose_c2w_target, bottom], axis=0)#4,4
    pose_w2c_target_sqr = np.linalg.inv(pose_c2w_target_sqr)
    verts_world_homo = np.concatenate([verts_world, np.ones((1, N))], axis=0)#4,N
    verts_target = pose_w2c_target_sqr[:3, :] @ verts_world_homo#3, N
    theta, phi, radius = np_cartesian_to_spherical(verts_target.T)

    theta = (theta + 1.5*np.pi) % (2*np.pi)
    x = theta / (2*np.pi) * W
    y = phi / (np.pi) * H
    pano_target = np.uint8(panos_np[target_idx, ... ]*255)
    for i in range(len(x)):
        coord_x, coord_y = x[i], y[i], (int(coord_x), int(coord_y)), color = (0, 0, 255), thickness =1, radius=1)
    cv2.imwrite("target_"+str(target_idx)+".jpg", pano_target)


2. read keypoints_world.npz (world coordinates) from panorama produced by the previous code, and project those keypoints-3D to each perspective view. (I find that the re-projected keypoints are wrong because of the inconsistent world coordinates.)

examples of other perspective views: other_2_3


""" keypoints-3D (world coordinates) from panorama produced by `debug/`.

2.project those keypoints-3D to each perspective view.
(translations has been revised by trans = trans[..., [2, 0, 1]])


import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
# read data
kp_name = "from_pano"#from_perspec or from_pano

data = np.load("./test_data.npz", allow_pickle=True)
rgb_pano = data["panos"]
rgb_cubes = data["rgb_cubes"]#1,3,6, 256, 256, 3
depth_cubes = data["depth_cubes"] # 1,3,6, 256, 256,1
trans_cubes = data["trans_cubes"]#1, 3, 6, 3
trans_cubes = trans_cubes[:, :, :, [2,0,1]]

rots_cubes = data["rots_cubes"]
H, W = rgb_cubes.shape[3:5]

#source view
pano_src_idx = 1 # 1-th pano
cube_idx = 4 # 4-th cube of 1-th pano

current_rgb = np.uint8(rgb_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]*255)
current_depth = depth_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]
current_trans = trans_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]
current_rots = rots_cubes[0, pano_src_idx, cube_idx]

# intrinsic parameters
f = 0.5 * W * 1 / np.tan(0.5 * FOV / 180.0 * np.pi)
cx = (W - 1) / 2.0
cy = (H - 1) / 2.0
K = np.array([
        [f, 0, cx],
        [0, f, cy],
        [0, 0,  1],
    ], np.float32)
print("K:", K)

#get keypoints in source views
gray = cv2.cvtColor(np.uint8(current_rgb*255), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(nfeatures=200, contrastThreshold=0.02, edgeThreshold=20)
kp = sift.detect(gray, None)

print("len(kp):", len(kp))
keypoints = [[int(kp[idx].pt[0]), int(kp[idx].pt[1])] for idx in range(len(kp))]
keypoints = np.array(keypoints)

os.makedirs("vis_bug", exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/src_orig.jpg", current_rgb)
d_min = current_depth.min()
d_max = current_depth.max()
d_gray=np.uint8((current_depth-d_min)/(d_max - d_min)*255)
d_color = cv2.applyColorMap(d_gray, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/d_color.jpg", d_color)

z_depth = current_depth[keypoints[: , 1], keypoints[:, 0], :]
valid_list = np.where(z_depth>0)[0]# keep only keypoints with positive-depth
z_depth = z_depth[valid_list]#n, 1
keypoints = keypoints[valid_list] #n ,2

#write keypoints in source view    
for i in range(len(keypoints)):
    coord_x, coord_y = keypoints[i, 0], keypoints[i, 1], (int(coord_x), int(coord_y)), color = (0, 0, 255), thickness = 1, radius=1)
cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/src.jpg", current_rgb)

#get world coordinates of keypoints
N, _ = keypoints.shape
points_homo = np.concatenate([keypoints, np.ones((N, 1))], axis=1)#N, 3
points_cam_norm = np.linalg.inv(K)@points_homo.T #3x3, 3xN->3xN
points_cam = points_cam_norm*(z_depth.T).repeat([3], axis=0)#3xN, 1,N->3xN
current_pose = np.concatenate([current_rots, current_trans.reshape(3, 1)], axis=1)
current_pose = np.concatenate([current_pose, np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])], axis=0)#w2c
points_w = np.linalg.inv(current_pose)@ np.concatenate([points_cam, np.ones((1, points_cam.shape[1]))], axis=0)
if kp_name == "from_pano":
    points_w = np.load("keypoints_world.npz")["kp"]
elif kp_name=="from_perspec":

num_pano_views = rgb_cubes.shape[1]#3
num_cube_views = rgb_cubes.shape[2]#6

for i in range(num_pano_views):
    for j in range(num_cube_views):
        print("i, j:", i,j)
        rgb_other = np.uint8(rgb_cubes[0, i, j]*255)
        trans_other = trans_cubes[0, i, j].reshape(3, 1)
        rots_other = rots_cubes[0, i, j]   
        points_cam_other = rots_other@points_w[:3, :]+trans_other               

        points_coords_h = K @ points_cam_other[:3, :]#()@(3,N)->3,N
        valid_list = np.where(points_cam_other[2, :]>0)[0]
        points_coords_h = points_coords_h[:, valid_list]

        points_coords = (points_coords_h/points_coords_h[2:, :]).T #->N,2
        cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/other_"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+"_orig.jpg", rgb_other)
        for coord_i in range(len(points_coords)):
            coord_x, coord_y = points_coords[coord_i, 0], points_coords[coord_i, 1]
            if coord_x >=0 and coord_x < W and coord_y >=0 and coord_y < H:
      , (int(coord_x), int(coord_y)), color = (0, 0, 255), thickness = 1, radius=1)
        cv2.imwrite("vis_bug/other_"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+".jpg", rgb_other)

How can I revise my code to make the coordinates consistent between panorama and cube-maps? Thanks!