When you start alfred, run like this:
nohup java -jar alfred.jar pwd/tmp 4 14543 &
This will start alfred listening on the current directory/tmp with 4 threads for training nets and listening on port 14543 for commands. You can tail the logs by running "tail -f nohup.out". You can connect to send commands by doing "telnet localhost 14543", then type "help".
Now you can listen on a port.
When you start alfred, run like this: nohup java -jar alfred.jar
/tmp 4 14543 &This will start alfred listening on the current directory/tmp with 4 threads for training nets and listening on port 14543 for commands. You can tail the logs by running "tail -f nohup.out". You can connect to send commands by doing "telnet localhost 14543", then type "help".