AugusDogus / uwu-bot

OwO ipsum dowow sit amet, consectetuw adipiscing ewit, sed do eiusmod tempow incididunt ut wabowe et dowowe magna awiqua. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing twistique wisus. Dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam vuwputate ut phawetwa. Mowestie nunc non bwandit massa enim. Awiquam ut powttitow weo a diam sowwicitudin.
The Unlicense
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Add notifications for when a bot silently fails to !uwu translate a message #9

Open Ubergeekking opened 3 years ago

Ubergeekking commented 3 years ago

Sometimes folks attempt to !uwu and uwu. The bot should warn the user of the ramifications of recursion. image

AugusDogus commented 3 years ago

The bot should also probably warn the user when there's no valid text to "uwu-fy".
