AugustNagro / magnum

A 'new look' for database access in Scala
Apache License 2.0
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Build complains about missing .sbt/.credentials file #41

Open Nexus6 opened 3 weeks ago

Nexus6 commented 3 weeks ago

When building Magnum, running many sbt tasks (such as clean, compile, package &Etc) results in numerous warnings of the form: Credentials file /home/user/.sbt/.credentials does not exist

I've observed that commenting out the build.sbt line ThisBuild / credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials") silences the warnings while not affecting the success of the build.

Would I be correct in thinking that the .credentials file is only needed for publishing? If so, would it be possible to scope this setting to the "publish" task only? If not, a less palatable work-around might be to push a sample .credentials file (with invalid creds obviously) that the Magnum hacker could copy to $HOME/.sbt/