AugustNagro / magnum

A 'new look' for database access in Scala
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ZIO Module #48

Open AugustNagro opened 1 month ago

AugustNagro commented 1 month ago

Issue to track work done on the ZIO module. For example by @guizmaii in

AugustNagro commented 1 month ago

This MR #47 looks good @guizmaii . My thought is that we can merge this (once you add a simple test or two), and then iterate until it's ready for release.

Here's an idea I have, and would like your feedback.

One thing I like about Magnum is the typesafe transaction management. For example if you have

def makePayment(sum: Long)(using DbTx): Unit =
  val newBalance = readAndUpdateSomeTables(sum)

Then makePayment is guaranteed to be executed in a transactional context; if sendInvoiceOverBlockingHttp fails because the 3rd party service is offline, we know that the database changes will be rolled back.

It doesn't seem possible to get the same behavior with the ZIO transact version

def transact[A](transactor: Transactor)(q: DbTx ?=> A)(implicit
    trace: Trace
): ZIO[Any, Throwable, A] = ???

The example would look like:

def readAndUpdateSomeTables(sum: Long)(using DbTx): Long = ???

def sendInvoiceOverZIOHttp: RIO[Http, Unit] = ???

def makePayment(sum: Long): RIO[Http, Unit] =
    newBalance <- transact(ds):
    _ <- sendInvoiceOverBlockingHttp(newBalance)
  yield ()

And since sendInvoiceOverBlockingHttp doesn't happen in the transactional scope it won't work.

So here's the idea: what if we put the DbTx context in the ZIO R type? Then the signature of transact would look something like

def transact[A](transactor: Transactor)(zio: => RIO[DbTx, A])(using Trace): Task[A] = ???

And we could then implement ZIO-versions of the key classes like Frag, Query, etc. For example like

open class ZIORepo[EC, E, ID](using defaults: RepoDefaults[EC, E, ID]) extends ZIOImmutableRepo[E, ID]:
  def insert(entityCreator: EC): RIO[DbCon, Unit] = ??? // wrap defaults.insert in ZIO

Users would import from com.augustnagro.magnum.zio.{...} instead.

guizmaii commented 1 month ago

Hum, I'm sorry, I'm not sure to understand the problem @AugustNagro 🤔

The current zio.transact does ensure that it is run in a transaction, thanks to the DbTx parameter in q: DbTx ?=> A, no? 🤔

Here's how we organise our code at work (nothing innovative, just typical hexagonal architecture AFAIK):

  1. we have a core sbt module declaring services. The app logic lives in these services. In this core module, we also declare the repositories and their methods we need in the services:
// In file: modules/core/src/main/scala/my/app/core/domain/UserEntity.scala

final case class UserEntity(id: UUID, username: String)

// In file: modules/core/src/main/scala/my/app/core/services/MyService.scala


trait MyService {
  def createNewUser(username: String): Task[UserEntity]

object MyService {
  def live: ZLayer[UserRepo & NotificationService, Nothing, MyService] = ZLayer.derived[MyServiceLive]

final class MyServiceLive(userRepo: UserRepo, notificationService: NotificationService) extends MyService {
  override def createNewUser(username: String): Task[UserEntity] = 
   for {
     user <- userRepo.insert(username) 
     _    <- notificationService.notifyNewUser(user) // hypothetical notification service
   } yield user

// In file: modules/core/src/main/scala/my/app/core/repositories/UserRepo.scala

trait UserRepo {
  def insert(username: String)
  1. we have a db module implementing the core repositories
    // In file: modules/db/src/main/scala/my/app/db/UserRepoLive.scala

import import

final class UserRepoLive(ds: DataSource, magnumUserRepo: MagnumUserRepo) extends UserRepo { override def insert(username: String): Task[UserEntity] = transact(ds) { tx ?=> magnumUserRepo.insertReturning(UserCreator(username)) }.map(UserDB.toCore) }

object UserRepoLive { def layer: ZLayer[DataSource & MagnumUserRepo, Nothing, UserRepo] = ... }

// In file: modules/db/src/main/scala/my/app/db/magnum/MagnumUserRepo.scala package

import com.augustnagro.magnum.Repo

final class MagnumUserRepo extends Repo[UserCreator, UserDB, UUID] object MagnumUserRepo { def live: ULayer[MagnumUserRepo] = ZLayer.succeed(new MagnumUserRepo) }

So that we don't leak DB details outside of the repositories implementation.

I think I don't understand what you mean by:
> And since `sendInvoiceOverBlockingHttp` doesn't happen in the transactional scope it won't work.

Do you mean that people use a DB transaction to wrap something that sends an invoice? 🤔
and fail the transaction if the invoice sending fails? 🤔
I'm not sure I'd code this like this. 
I'd have a retry mechanism in the `sendInvoiceOverBlockingHttp` mechanism, and it wouldn't be correlated to the DB transaction (I can be wrong of course) 🤔

> what if we put the DbTx context in the ZIO R type? Then the signature of transact would look something like
> def transact[A](transactor: Transactor)(zio: => RIO[DbTx, A])(using Trace): Task[A] = ???

I think it's equivalent to what I suggest but more complex and less performant.
I'm not sure to see why we'd need a `ZIORepo` since things already work with the current Repo mechanism 🤔
It'd probably makes things more complex to write when we have complex SQL operation to write. 
The fact that Magnum Repo is impure makes things easier to write:
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable

object AlreadyExistsException extends ControlThrowable
type AlreadyExistsException = AlreadyExistsException.type

// hypothetical complex process to insert a new user
// The code is dumb, it's just to try to give a complex process example
def inserUser(username: String): Task[UserEntity] = 
  transact(ds) { tx ?=>
    sql"""SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(100)""".query[Any].run(): @nowarn("msg=unused value")

    val exists = magnumUserRepo.existsByUsername(username)

    if (exists) throw AlreadyExistsException


It feels like if we introduce a ZIORepo, we'd need to wrap each of these operations into a ZIO, which makes things more complex and less performant, no? 🤔

// same code but with `ZIORepo`
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable

object AlreadyExistsException extends ControlThrowable
type AlreadyExistsException = AlreadyExistsException.type

// hypothetical complex process to insert a new user
// The code is dumb, it's just to try to give a complex process example
def inserUser(username: String): Task[UserEntity] = 
  transact(ds) {
   for {
     _     <- ZIO.attempt(sql"""SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(100)""".query[Any].run(): @nowarn("msg=unused value"))
    exists <- zioMagnumUserRepo.existsByUsername(username)
    _      <- if (exists) else ZIO.unit
    user   <- zioMagnumUserRepo.insertReturning(UserCreator(username))
  yield user

Note that the ZIO.attempt usage above is probably incorrect (🤔) as it doesn't wrap the query in ZIO[DbTx, Throwable, ?] so it seems, we'd also need to provide something to wrap any DB stuff into a ZIO[DbTx, Throwable, ?] (Note that I initially implemented that in my project but later realized I wasn't using it. I was just using transact and connect)

987Nabil commented 1 month ago

I am not a Magnum user. But only here because of @guizmaii posting on twitter 😁

I am quite sure, that

  1. Open transaction
  2. Write to DB
  3. IO/Heavy computation
  4. Write to DB (Optional)
  5. Close transaction

Is considered an anti pattern. Since an open connection is required for an open transaction and therefore blocks a connection from the connection pool for a long time. Exception might be you do a one DB per user SQLite setup.

So it should be

  1. Compute what to write to DB
  2. IO/Heavy computation
  3. Open transaction
  4. All writes
  5. Close transaction

And in that case, you can aggregate all writes into one transact and you don't need to leak the DB types.

AugustNagro commented 1 month ago

Do you mean that people use a DB transaction to wrap something that sends an invoice? 🤔

I wouldn't get hung up on the example having IO. It's a question of where the transactional boundaries of an application lie. If you're creating a database transaction for every instance like

class UserRepoLive(ds: DataSource) extends UserRepo:
  override def updateBalance(user: Long, change: Long): Task[Unit] =
    transact(ds) { tx ?=>
      sql"UPDATE user SET balance = balance + $change"

That's too fine grained and WILL cause bugs. For example, if you have an endpoint that calls updateBalance on two users you will get the double spend problem. I argue that transactions should NOT be created in Repositories; it is more common to create them at the Controller or Service level, and span multiple methods & services. Chances are, you'll want to interleave some methods that return ZIOs between the database calls. And that is impossible with your current MR.

In Spring the common pattern is that your REST controller calls a service method entrypoint which is annotated with @Transactional, and then protects the whole callstack. The mechanism is not typesafe and the transaction boundary may be too wide, but it does protect you from bugs.

I'd have a retry mechanism in the sendInvoiceOverBlockingHttp mechanism, and it wouldn't be correlated to the DB transaction (I can be wrong of course) 🤔

What do you do when retries are exhausted, or your service goes down while retrying? It's a lot of work to handle these cases correctly.

A good solution is to design your services like @987Nabil says, saving your database updates until the very end. My proposal does not prevent this design; it's orthoganal.

Unfortunately, this pattern is often inconvenient or impossible, and the large pre-existing ZIO projects I've worked on did not follow it. It requires discipline and architectural foresight. I don't want to neglect the majority usecase and tell people to just refactor their application :laughing:

It feels like if we introduce a ZIORepo, we'd need to wrap each of these operations into a ZIO, which makes things more complex and less performant, no? 🤔

I'm confident the performance impact of wrapping the calls in a ZIO will be 0, since database IO dominates. In terms of complexity, the example would look like this (from a User-code perspective):

import com.augustnagro.magnum.zio.{ZioRepo, sql}

class UserRepo extends ZioRepo[UserCreator, UserEntity, Long]:
  def existsByUserName(userName: String): RIO[DbCon, Boolean] =
    sql"SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE user_name = $userName".query[Int].run().map(_.nonEmpty)

class UserService(userRepo: UserRepo):
  def insertUser(username: String): RIO[DbTx, UserEntity] = 
      _          <- sql"""SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(100)""".query[Any].run()
      exists  <- userRepo.existsByUsername(username)
      _          <- if (exists) else ZIO.unit
      user    <- userRepo.insertReturning(UserCreator(username))
    yield user

class UserController(ds: DataSource, userService: UserService):
  def postUser(userName: String): Task[UserEntity] =

One final thing to consider is that ZIO docs validate this approach of putting database transactions in the ZIO Environment:

"In a database application, a service may be defined only to operate in the context of a larger database transaction. In such a case, the transaction could be stored in the environment",it%20is%20valid%3A

987Nabil commented 1 month ago

While I understand your reasoning @AugustNagro I am not sure about the conclusion.

  1. Designing based on bad user code does not sound right
  2. I agree with @guizmaii that leaking the db transaction out to the controller is not great
  3. Having the env resolved so often does not seem like a good idea.

My counter proposal:

  1. keep
    def transact[A](transactor: Transactor)(q: DbTx ?=> A)(implicit
    trace: Trace
    ): ZIO[Any, Throwable, A] = ???
  2. add
    def transactZIO[R,E <: Throwable, A](transactor: Transactor)(q: DbTx ?=> ZIO[R,E,A])(implicit
    trace: Trace
    ): ZIO[R, E, A] = ???

Then transactZIO can be used for the "bad code" style, but it is easier to encourage, for example in docs, the good non leaky style @guizmaii is aiming for.

btw, this

I'm confident the performance impact of wrapping the calls in a ZIO will be 0, since database IO dominates

is only true, if the db is accessed via network. There is a recent push for SQLite in prod, for example in the rails community, which is then disk and not network IO. So it might become significant.

AugustNagro commented 1 month ago

Designing based on bad user code does not sound right

I think my earlier example having network IO has really muddied the waters, and I'm sorry about that.

Still, I don't think it's wrong to let users define their own transactional boundaries. That's what the current Magnum API lets you do already.

Your transactZIO counter-proposal is good @987Nabil; the downside is that users would have have to wrap .run() calls in ZIO.attempt. I feel like going all-in with ZIO types will result in more beautiful code, and feel more 'ZIO-native', vs a direct style library with a clobbed on ZIO adapter.

However, I don't discount the suggestion and I definitely see your side to the argument.

I think the best thing to do will be try out both styles and see which one feels better.

Having the env resolved so often does not seem like a good idea. is only true, if the db is accessed via network. There is a recent push for SQLite in prod, for example in the rails community, which is then disk and not network IO. So it might become significant.

The performance argument here still doesn't sway me.. a few allocations or env lookups per tx is not going have an impact even if you're using in-memory H2. I mean, just look at Doobie.. people are not complaining that every method ends up returning ConnectionIO.

AugustNagro commented 3 weeks ago

FYI: I filed