AugustRush / UICollectionView-ARDynamicHeightLayoutCell

Automatically UICollectionViewCell size calculating.
MIT License
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Why do we need indexPath? #14

Open burakkilic opened 7 years ago

burakkilic commented 7 years ago


My code is:

return [collectionView ar_sizeForCellWithIdentifier:@"ItemAllergensCollectionViewCell" indexPath:indexPath fixedWidth:768 configuration:^(__kindof ItemAllergensCollectionViewCell *cell) {
        [cell configureCellWithEntity:self.entity];

but it crashes because of the indexPath.

 Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: index 2 beyond bounds for empty array'

Why we need indexPath here?

AugustRush commented 7 years ago

This library use indexPath to organized cache(Just two-dimensional array). It's seems indexPath start from 2 rather than 0 here ?