Augustyniak / RATreeView

Library providing easy-to-use interface for displaying tree structures on iOS and tvOS.
MIT License
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willSelectRowForItem and willDeselectRowForItem #238

Open irzyxa opened 6 years ago

irzyxa commented 6 years ago

Methods willSelectRowForItem and willDeselectRowForItem must return nullable value (you wrote in comments that they can return nil), to have optional value in Swift (Any?)

AmeerChand commented 6 years ago

I am using Ra Tree View Controller. It's working far fine in iOS 10 versions, but having alot of scrolling and tapping gestures issues in iOS 11 (Xcode 9.0). Wishing to fix these issues. Moreover, is there any possible to expand only one row at a time? On tapping other row, it will automatically collapse other rows.

I am using these delegates but they are not working good, as I wish to collapse and close all other rows and just expand one row per time.

[_treeView collapseRowForItem:lastSelectedPoint withRowAnimation:RATreeViewRowAnimationNone]; [self treeView:_treeView willCollapseRowForItem:lastSelectedPoint];

By over-riding these delegates, I am trying. They are working very close but in few cases they are not working. Also, fix bugs for iOS 11. Thank you.