Aupajo / middleman-search_engine_sitemap

Tell search engines which pages are most important in your Middleman site.
MIT License
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issue when deploying to Heroku #2

Closed acandael closed 8 years ago

acandael commented 10 years ago

I just implemented the middleman-search_engine_sitemap gem to my Middleman project and it works fine locally.

However when I push my changes to Heroku, I get this build error:

error  tmp/sitemap.xml
There were errors during this build, re-run with `middleman build --verbose` to see the full    exception.

rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [middleman build...] /tmp/build_b3d8907b-d401-4248-91c2-027fd6b69c1d/Rakefile:3:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

!     Precompiling assets failed.

!     Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app

  ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
  error: failed to push some refs to ''

Does anyone have a clue what the problem might be? My repository is at:

thanks for your help,


Aupajo commented 10 years ago

Hey, Anthony.

Just looking at your commit, it looks like you're using a different gem than this one (middleman-sitemap vs middleman-search_engine_sitemap).

If you're having issues with that gem, you can get in touch with the author.

Alternatively, you're welcome to try my version, which has a few more options and might be better suited to your needs – check out the README!

acandael commented 10 years ago

Hi Aupajo, yes, in the meantime I tried another gem (middleman-sitemap). But I'll try 'middleman-search_engine_sitemap again and let you know if I have the same deployment issue.



acandael commented 10 years ago

I installed the middleman-search_engine_sitemap again and having the same issue when deploying to Heroku:

error  tmp/sitemap.xml
   There were errors during this build, re-run with `middleman build --verbose` to see the full exception.
   rake aborted!
   Command failed with status (1): [middleman build...]
   /tmp/build_e4ce3b06-a4cb-474c-83ae-10973c4d89bc/Rakefile:3:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
   Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile
   (See full trace by running task with --trace)
 !     Precompiling assets failed.

 !     Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app

my repository is at:

thanks for looking into this,


Aupajo commented 10 years ago

Sorry, Anthony! I missed your initial commit where you used this gem.

I've managed to reproduce the error on Heroku. I'm looking into it now.

Issue from Heroku:

   error  tmp/sitemap.xml
       undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass
       /tmp/build_c9a2bb7e-2f2b-4ea4-a9bd-33990e811f47/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/tilt-1.4.1/lib/tilt/builder.rb:22:in `evaluate'
       /tmp/build_c9a2bb7e-2f2b-4ea4-a9bd-33990e811f47/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/tilt-1.4.1/lib/tilt/template.rb:103:in `render'

The call comes from evaluate in Tilt's Builder template handler:

xml = => 2)

So nil is data which, from the comments, is the “template source; loaded from a file or given directly.”

Looks like the template isn't being passed to Tilt properly.

Paths seem to be accessible on Heroku:

irb(main)> Middleman::SearchEngineSitemap::TEMPLATES_DIR
=> "/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/middleman-search_engine_sitemap-1.1.0/lib/middleman/search_engine_sitemap/templates"
irb(main)> `ls /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/middleman-search_engine_sitemap-1.1.0/lib/middleman/search_engine_sitemap/templates`
=> "sitemap.xml.builder\n"

On Heroku, during the build, the TEMPLATES_DIR is referenced as:

Relative: vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/middleman-search_engine_sitemap-1.1.0/lib/middleman/search_engine_sitemap/templates (exists)
Absolute: /tmp/build_f8b51737-151f-4bbd-86c8-3703c9337d3f/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/middleman-search_engine_sitemap-1.1.0/lib/middleman/search_engine_sitemap/templates (exists)

The weirdness seems to kick in with the file watcher.

after_configuration do
  puts files.known_paths.inspect


#<Set: {#<Pathname:../../../.gem/ruby/2.1.1/gems/middleman-search_engine_sitemap-1.1.0/lib/middleman/search_engine_sitemap/templates/sitemap.xml.builder>}>


#<Set: {}>

Looks like the gem template paths don't get registered on Heroku. Something may be happening with the file watcher, or maybe after_configuration never gets called.

Can't relocate the gem to a lib directory and get the same issue. Suggests something about Heroku's gem paths.

acandael commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot!


From: Pete Nicholls Reply-To: Aupajo/middleman-search_engine_sitemap <reply+i-34655518-d6446a0e0246ca8834a57ca19adf49e18a76d688-1520187@reply.git> Date: Monday 2 June 2014 04:02 To: Aupajo/middleman-search_engine_sitemap Cc: Anthony Candaele Subject: Re: [middleman-search_engine_sitemap] issue when deploying to Heroku (#2)

Sorry, Anthony! I missed your initial commit with the gem.

I've managed to reproduce the error on Heroku. I'm looking into it now.

‹ Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub ment-44796588 .

mdaguete commented 10 years ago

I've the same problem with RHEL 6.5

== Request: /sitemap.xml error build/sitemap.xml undefined method call' for nil:NilClass /opt/moviles/deploy/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/tilt-1.4.1/lib/tilt/builder.rb:22:inevaluate' /opt/moviles/deploy//vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/tilt-1.4.1/lib/tilt/template.rb:103:in render' /opt/moviles/deploy//vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/middleman-core-3.3.3/lib/middleman-core/core_extensions/rendering.rb:274:inrender_individual_file'

mdaguete commented 10 years ago

The bug is due /^vendor(\/|$)/ present in regex ignore list in middleman filewatcher, i've tested it removing the regex. Add to config.rb and now it works ok

#Filewatcher ignore list
set :file_watcher_ignore,[
#        /^vendor(\/|$)/,
Aupajo commented 10 years ago

Thanks, @mdaguete, that's really helpful. Did the sitemap still work for you when you made that change?

Need to think of a way to combat this more generally.

mdaguete commented 10 years ago

@Aupajo the site map works ok with the change, no problem at all

acandael commented 9 years ago

Hi mdaguete, I ran into exactly the same issue. Your solution fixed it. Thanks, Anthony

bassjacob commented 9 years ago

@Aupajo Not intending to resurrect a seemingly dead thread, but I experienced the same problem as above, deploying to Heroku. @mdaguete your config.rb fix worked to fix the error.

Thank you.

pzi commented 9 years ago


I am experiencing the same error during the middleman build step of my middleman template on travis-ci:

So I'd give this a +1 :neutral_face:

Thanks for your gem/work!

Cheers, Patrik

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

Hi @pzi,

You can try @mdaguete's approach above. I can't build this into my gem, because modifying the global file watcher ignore list seems like a Bad Idea™ for any library to do. What I probably need to do is reach out to the Middleman team and see if there's any new way around this/anything planned for a future release.

pzi commented 9 years ago

Hey @Aupajo,

Yeah, I figured it would be a Bad Idea™ :) I even felt bad for adding it to my config.rb and making Travis-CI work more by outputting all those extra/unnecessary lines of code.

I wonder why it's not blowing up when building the site locally. I am using the same ruby version and gems. It only fails on Travis-CI.

Thanks for your help though. Hope that's gonna work out fine!

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

I think it's to do with the way Heroku bundles gems into vendor.

pzi commented 9 years ago

Hmm, I am not using Heroku though? I just use Travis-CI to run bundle exec middleman build --verbose to make sure it all works. Not deploying it to anywhere :|

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

Oh, sorry, mis-read your comment. Does Travis do the same? Can you see anything like bundle install --path ... anywhere in your Travis log?

pzi commented 9 years ago

Hmm, no... this is the bundler line:

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

That build looks like it's passing?

pzi commented 9 years ago

Yeah, because of the ignore in config.rb

This is a failed build:

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

Ah, thanks! I wonder if there's some Bundler config. Will chat with the Travis folk.

pzi commented 9 years ago

Could probably do some trickery with commands: and

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

@pzi From that first page:

By default, gems are installed into vendor/bundle in your project's root directory.

pzi commented 9 years ago

Hmm, so I guess I could do bundler_args: --path bundle in my .travis.yml :)

Didn't see that. Thanks!

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

No problem! Hope it helps the next person.

pzi commented 9 years ago

Hmm, ultimately, it has the same effect on ci as before. Except we don't need that hack any more (which feels slightly better).

pzi commented 9 years ago

Hmm, I came across this message:

And because I have a Gemfile.lock in my repo it will do bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3 --deployment which causes the problem. So I have a feeling that Heroku would probably do the same given it's a hosting platform.


I felt dirty with bundler_args: --path bundle so I overwrote the args that Travis adds, but left out --deployment. Resulting in bundler_args: --jobs=3 --retry=3 and a properly passing build without hacks.

renatocarvalho commented 9 years ago

I'm having this issue as well.

Aupajo commented 9 years ago

Have a workaround for the file watcher ignore issue – now running into one where the rendered template is returning nil.


def render_individual_file(path, locs={}, opts={}, context=self, &block)
  body = if opts[:template_body]

body is returning nil. The template_data_for_file method defined in Rendering is not actually being called – the one defined in FrontMatter is, instead.


def template_data_for_file(path)

def data(path)
  data, content = frontmatter_and_content(p) # {}, nil

def frontmatter_and_content(path)
  data = {}
  return [data, nil] if !app.files.exists?(full_path) || ::Middleman::Util.binary?(full_path) # returning here

app.files.exists?(full_path) is returning false.

Returning full circle to the file watcher:

def exists?(path)
  p = Pathname(path)
  p = p.relative_path_from(Pathname(@app.root)) unless p.relative?


=> #<Set: {#<Pathname:config.rb>,

Looks like the reload trick isn't working any more.

To be continued…

hirefrank commented 9 years ago

Having the same problem on CircleCi...

hirefrank commented 9 years ago

This worked for me on CicleCI:

    - bundle install --path=gemset: # note ':' here
        timeout: 180 # fail if command has no output for 3 minutes

  # we automatically cache and restore many dependencies between
  # builds. If you need to, you can add custom paths to cache:
    - "gemset"   # relative to the build directory
    #- "~/custom_2" # relative to the user's home directory
Aupajo commented 9 years ago

Still tracking this issue on the Middleman repo:

At this point, it looks like it won't be an issue in 4.0, but I'm not overly hopeful that it can be resolved in 3.x.

Aupajo commented 8 years ago

As far as I can tell, this issue has now been addressed and fixed in Middleman 4.

If you're on Middleman 4, you can update your project by altering your Gemfile as follows and then running bundle:

gem 'middleman-search_engine_sitemap', '~> 1.4.0'

You should no longer need the --path or file_watcher_ignore workarounds.

Let me know if you run into any issues with the new version!