AuraDevelopmentTeam / BungeeChat2

A new way to send private, global or help messages and to do much more with chatting network wide!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: add discord integration and http request for chat (especially global chat) #187

Open candrawardana opened 3 years ago

candrawardana commented 3 years ago

we need so we can use rest discord intregration

BrainStone commented 3 years ago

Most definitely won’t run a Webserver for a REST API

candrawardana commented 3 years ago

no, you mistaken something,

i mean, every chat it runs, it's will call curl commands

BrainStone commented 3 years ago

So you want Discord integration?

candrawardana commented 3 years ago

actually very yes

candrawardana commented 3 years ago

also please add discordchat from mc to discord "disable-able" and add http post request feature in every chat it goes, instead of mysql storage, because i have custom back end web server

BrainStone commented 3 years ago

Well you now have asked for 3 completely different things:

When you're done piling requests on, let me know.

candrawardana commented 3 years ago

well yes, but rest / post is actually the same, i've change the issue's title

so when player do global chat, its run http request like

example : //HTTP REQUEST POST backend_api = "http://localhost/api/send_chat"; request = "{ 'username':%username%,'chat':%chat% }" enable = true

just like mysql do, but http request instead

RedSparr0w commented 3 years ago

Maybe this should be split into 3 different issues? Add support for Discord webhooks Add support for custom get/post request Add support for Discord → Game → Discord chat

BrainStone commented 3 years ago

The hook part really isn't an issue. Not worth splitting it further.
I beleive there is already an issue for native Discord support however.

Gyztor commented 2 years ago

this is old but i saw it and gave a similar ask on spigot (I am the HavensEdgeMC owner) and maybe there can be a sort of hook plugin that we install on each spigot server to utilize discordsrv so you dont have to make too much other than to send chat to discordsrv (kinda like the passtobackend configuration but to only discordsrv and any other chat related things you would want to include)

BrainStone commented 2 years ago

If you just want Discord support you can enable passToBackendServer and install ChatFree on all backend servers.