AuraQ / ClockPickerForMendix

Clockpicker widget for Mendix
Apache License 2.0
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Widget does not show validation feedback #11

Open Jonas-Semeelen opened 5 years ago

Jonas-Semeelen commented 5 years ago


I am trying to show validation feedback on an attribute used by the clockpicker widget. But the feedback is not showing on the screen.

Is this a known issue?

Kind regards

lindski commented 5 years ago


I can't reproduce this... I have tried this with the test project in version 7.22.1 and can see the validation feedback correctly:


What version of Mendix are you using?


Jonas-Semeelen commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the quick response. The app is made in version 7.18, could this be the problem?

Kind regards

lindski commented 5 years ago

The test project works for me in 7.18.1.

Do you have a small sample project you'd be happy to share for me to investigate further?

Jonas-Semeelen commented 5 years ago

I've created a new project myself in 7.18 and the validation feedback works fine there. This might be a css related issues. We Will investigate the issue further monday. I'll keep you posted.

Kind regards