AuraQ / ClockPickerForMendix

Clockpicker widget for Mendix
Apache License 2.0
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Possible issue with jqwrapper.js? #2

Closed RCatersels closed 8 years ago

RCatersels commented 8 years ago

We just tried the model with this widget in the Mendix cloud but it seems that the jqwrapper.js can not be found and hence the start page of the model will not load. Could it be that the Mendix cloud is blocking this Javascript library?

Did you already try your widget in the Mendix cloud?



JelteMX commented 8 years ago

If think it has to do with

define(['./jquery-1.11.2'], function(jQuery) {

that should be

define(['ClockPickerForMendix/lib/jquery-1.11.2'], function(jQuery) {

(That's my best quess right now)

lindski commented 8 years ago

Been scratching my head over this for a while but have finally got to the bottom of the problem... turned out to be a case sensitivity issue... my paths in the packages array were referencing a widget named 'ClockPickerForMendix' but the correct case for the widget is 'ClockPickerforMendix' (note the lower case f).

I've just committed a fix for this (17cdf94).

I'll create a new release and submit an update to the app store (the dist folder contains the updated mpk if you want to take a copy sooner)

RCatersels commented 8 years ago

I just checked it and new version is working correctly now.