AuraQ / ClockPickerForMendix

Clockpicker widget for Mendix
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 3 forks source link

Clockpicker on mobile #3

Open RCatersels opened 8 years ago

RCatersels commented 8 years ago

We are trying to create our app with phonegap to deploy on mobile devices but the clockpicker widget is throwing an error there. See also forum post []. It is complaining that Bootstrap's Javascript requiers a higher jQuery library.

lindski commented 8 years ago

The clockpicker widget is bundled with jquery 1.11.2 so it is already higher than the minimum version the error says you need.

Is there a chance an earlier version of jquery has already been loaded (from another widget maybe)?

If you type $.fn.jquery in your console what value do you get?