AuraQ / ClockPickerForMendix

Clockpicker widget for Mendix
Apache License 2.0
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PhoneLayout with sidebar #4

Open stephanbruijnis opened 7 years ago

stephanbruijnis commented 7 years ago

When I add the widget to a page with layout "Phone_TopSidebar" (a default layout in Mendix 6.5.1) the date picker is positioned over the expanded menu section, see screenshot.

It is caused by the default bootstrap css:

.input-group .form-control {
z-index: 2;

I can't find why Bootstrap adds z-index: 2; to this element.

screenshot 10 aug 2016 3_02_52 p m

lindski commented 7 years ago

Thanks Stephan... let me look into this... guess a custom class that overrides the default behaviour is the way to go here but will check.