AuriRex / GTFO_TheArchive

GTFO Quality of Life mod for almost* any version of the game
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Tiny minor changes related to Weapon Picker & FOV #62

Open C0R-PSE opened 8 months ago

C0R-PSE commented 8 months ago

Hello, Auri! I have tinkered with settings that affect weapon picker and weapon FOV, and I have stumbled upon a couple "rough edges".

First of all, I have experienced inconsistencies with FOV manager, such as: Drekker Pres MOD Rifle for some reason is following SMG parameters (at first, I thought that it is considered as rifle, as it is, well, a rifle) Also, it would be appreciated to have separated options for managing FOV settings of similar weapons, such as machineguns or assault rifles, as with WeaponCustomizer mod position and type of their scopes can be changed. (for some reason, when I equipped both Drekker rifles with Precision's thermal, FOV Adjustment stopped responding to any changes in FOV I was making)

Secondly, Weapon Stats and newly added Weapon Picker Tweaks had me to pick from available options, as I couldn't quite realize all of my ideas. Default order of weapons is much better than sorting them by name, as the default order considers their utility and suitability and groups weapons that have similar purposes together. In my case, for example, I have disabled all but five weapons in each slot via WeaponCustomizer, then had to mark couple of them as favourites and 1-2 as hidden, and then recolor their names white so that the list is looking neat. I think third, custom order option should be available, or at least an option to hide (and favourite, if will be possible) weapons without sorting them by name but instead sorting them with respect to their default order. Now for the Weapon Stats. Would be nice (again, if possible) to have an option to rename (and recolor!) stats parameters, and to maybe make them even look like this: "DAMAGE: " + dmg + "" for damage, "RESERVE: " + max + "ROUNDS" for max ammo. Also, in my humble opinion, ShotgunPellets stat should be included in DMG stat for shotguns, as these two stats are quite useless without each other. For example: DMG 13,6(1,7x8) for vanilla HEL Shotgun. Rounding stats for me would be better, if values close to an integer were rounding with zeroes after a comma (1,98 -> 2,0 instead of just 2 when rounding is set to one decimal), so an option for that would be appreciated. And, if possible, an option to choose between just one string of stats or a list of stats as with vanilla ones.

I'll add reports for bugs regarding FOV Adjustments here, as I was experiencing them while I was tweaking with WeaponCustomizer, but now when I'm done they don't seem to show up anymore, so I think situation is alright for TheArchive mod itself right now (except for the rifle being an SMG ;)

AuriRex commented 8 months ago

Regarding Weapon FOV:

I know it's kinda rough, was basically just a little experiment - I don't really use it myself either, probably also the reason why it's so underdeveloped haha

Some sights can override the weapons FOV, that's why there is a setting to Override Sight Settings - maybe that had something to do with the weird behavior you encountered?

Currently, the FOV settings are tied to the base games archetypes, so whenever a weapon uses the same archetype as another it's gonna have the same FOV settings (or should)

Weapon Picker Tweaks

I was experimenting with custom ordering but couldn't quite get it to where I wanted it to be so I scrapped it for the release - might look into it again at a later date tho

Using the default weapon sort order shouldn't be too hard, will look into (re-)implementing that

Weapon Stats

C0R-PSE commented 8 months ago

Thank you for reading all this! Will await these changes, as I really enjoy your project! I will continue to report for "rough edges" I come across