Auroali / sanguinis-luxuria

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able to eat food and wake up in the morning? #1

Open emeryplyler opened 1 month ago

emeryplyler commented 1 month ago

Somehow I'm able to eat human food and have it refill my blood bar, though I haven't leveled up at all so this may be intentional. I've also had a lot of trouble with sleeping during the day. It seems to add time to whenever I slept instead of letting me wake up at nightfall. (Other than that I really love this mod and prefer it to other vampire mods.)

Auroali commented 1 month ago

food filling your blood bar isn’t intentional, do you have any other mods installed?

sleeping adding time instead if skipping to night is also not intended and something i’ve also noticed when playing with other mods, i just haven’t figured out exactly what causes it yet. i’ll look into properly fixing it when i get home

emeryplyler commented 1 month ago

Sleeping seems to work perfectly when playing without any other mods, but I was still able to eat food. I'm playing with Fabric 0.15.7.

Auroali commented 1 month ago

could you try v1.0.3 and see if it works? you should be able to eat food, but it shouldn't fill your blood bar. it should also properly skip to night now