Aurora-Network-Global / sdg-queries

This repository contains machine readable (xml) search queries (crafted from a controlled vocabulary), for the Scopus publication database, to find domain specific research output that are related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We invite enyone to improve the SDG queries further in a co-creation process.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Typos? #8

Closed erikkemperman closed 3 years ago

erikkemperman commented 3 years ago


I've made my Scopus-query parser a bit stricter and found what I believe might be a few more typos.

gr Erik

mosart commented 3 years ago

Erik, thanks for the reviews. I am on holiday, so this has to wait after I am back. Warm regards, Maurice

21 mei 2021 12:17:53 Erik Kemperman @.***>:


I've made my Scopus-query parser a bit stricter and found what I believe might be a few more typos.

gr Erik

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  • Typos?

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erikkemperman commented 3 years ago

No rush, enjoy your holiday!