Aurora-RGB / Aurora

Unified lighting effects across multiple brands and various games.
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Significant regression with Corsair k100 #165

Open D3SL opened 1 year ago

D3SL commented 1 year ago

Expected Behaviour

Aurora should start with windows, a longstanding bug causes the K100 to go blank, and when the device is restarted in Aurora's "Device Manager" tab everything with pretty much immediately begin working.

Actual Behaviour

When the device is restarted in Aurora's "Device Manager" the app sometimes hangs for several seconds, sometimes saying there's an error with the device and other times starting. Once started lighting profiles are unreliable and incomplete, the K100's peripheral LEDs don't work anymore, things such as an overlay when CTRL is pressed may get "stuck" fairly frequently with no discernible pattern, and randomly the lighting goes completely haywire.

example: My default desktop profile has the classic slow RGB rainbow. It's working right now as I type this in github, but the moment I click on Aurora's window all lighting breaks. The macro keys remain frozen in whatever color they had last, the media and extra keys/lights like the wheel and WIN-lock go blank, and the stock QWERTY/F1-12/Numpad keys begin strobing random colors at high speed with no pattern.

Reproduction steps

Update to V168 or higher (currently using v169). 2023-08-08 10.22.39.log


All the time

Aurora Version:


Previously an Issue?


Aytackydln commented 1 year ago

Does this only happen if Corsair device is enabled at launch?

Can you try disabling it and enabling after launch?

D3SL commented 1 year ago

Didn't seem to make a difference either way, I had to disable and re-enable it just to get it to work briefly in the first place and then it quickly went to the strobe glitch.

Aytackydln commented 1 year ago

Logs are filled with OpenRGB connection errors. Can you try disabling it if you're not using it?

D3SL commented 1 year ago


You removed the working corsair device in V168. If I disable the OpenRGB device there won't be any errors, but there also won't be any lighting at all for the K100 anymore either.

Aytackydln commented 1 year ago

It was unnecessary because the current implementation uses the same sdk as the regular one before.

About OpenRGB... I thought that wasn't installed. I think the problem is two controllers are trying to control the device.

What if you only used OpenRGB?

D3SL commented 1 year ago

I had a dyslexic moment and got OpenRGB and mixed up. I don't use OpenRGB for anything, the program's never even running so it couldn't be what's affecting anything. It also doesn't cause any problems in V166.

Aytackydln commented 1 year ago

can you check latest version?

D3SL commented 1 year ago

It works without needing to force-restart the device and doesn't break my mouse, but it still has the issue that none of the outer rim lights on my keyboard work even though they show up on the simulator.

Aytackydln commented 1 year ago

Alright, for now you can remap them in the settings.

Also, can you tell me led names and their locations there? I will change default layout so it won't need remapping

D3SL commented 1 year ago

Finally had a chance to get to this. The key IDs are wrong and skip from LedStripe19 straight to LedStripe21, so at the moment 1-11 are the left-bottom to left-top, 12-34 are the top-left to top-right, 35-45 are the right-top to right-bottom. It should be 1-11 on the left, 12-33 on the top, 34-44 on the right.

I also found the wheel is mismapped. The wheel is numbered Wheel1-8 starting at 12:00 going clockwise, and in Aurora those are Key IDs Custom5-12. Currently a few are mapped out of order and the wheel's center doesn't appear to have a Key ID to map to at all.

Semi-related it'd be a really nice QOL feature if mousing over things popped up the name of the light and what (if anything) it was currently mapped to.

D3SL commented 9 months ago

Slight bump for the edge lighting, and a note that in V194 there's still semi-regular issues with this keyboard reporting a failure involving the device. Particularly when waking the computer up.

D3SL commented 2 months ago

V266 regresses again from whatever pre-release I was on beforehand. For a while there the K100 would start up reliably with windows 10 but now I need to manually start the device every time again. Logfile attached.

aurora v266 k100 device log.txt

Aytackydln commented 2 months ago

I increased connection timeout to 120 seconds and it helped. You may need to increase it further image

Many of the last updates weren't about devices. It must be because iCUE now opens significantly later than before that caused this for you

D3SL commented 2 months ago

I've gone all the way up to several hundred seconds, it makes no difference. If I open Aurora and manually click "Start" as soon as windows is responsive it works fine.

Also is there any way to save the manual mapping of the edge lights and bulk-import them or something?

Aytackydln commented 2 months ago

mappings are stored in DeviceMappings.json file in %appdata%/Aurora

Aytackydln commented 2 months ago

Hopefully v271 will fix this

D3SL commented 2 months ago

I don't know if v271 fixed the bootup issue because I had to update to v5 of icue after the update. At first Aurora basically didn't work at all. After starting and closing a game the aurora native layers like ctrl/shift shortcut highlighting and volume coloring began working albeit with worse performance than before.

Game integrations through Chroma seem to be completely broken. Monster hunter, dead cells, nothing works. Only the native Aurora games like Minecraft work. The mapping issues with edge lights and the wheel etc are also still all present.

Listen, @Aytackydln, I appreciate that you've put an enormous amount of work into this program over literally years... but I think it's time to give up on this attempted implementation. The K100 is one of Corsair's flagship products and it hasn't worked right since v166.

Aytackydln commented 2 months ago

You can try the old (newer) sdk on pre-release:

I have already spent way too much time on this sdk. It is broken for majority of the people and Corsair is no longer fixing anything for the SDK