Aurora-RGB / Aurora

Unified lighting effects across multiple brands and various games.
MIT License
244 stars 38 forks source link

Devices not starting automatically #184

Closed tcutchi closed 7 months ago

tcutchi commented 7 months ago

2023-12-06 18.02.33.log 2023-12-06 18.03.47.log 2023-12-06 18.05.15.log

Expected Behaviour

Devices start up and follow Aurora's lighting settings when Aurora is started or restarted

Actual Behaviour

On startup (or restart), I have to manually go into Settings -> Device Manager and click Start for Corsair (this is the only device I am using). As seen in the screenshot below, none of the devices are started by default.


Reproduction steps

Happens on every startup


Every time

Aurora Version:


Previously an Issue?


Aytackydln commented 7 months ago

You've been stuck on the old version. Update to the latest version manually by downloading zip or installer

tcutchi commented 7 months ago

I see

Downloaded and installed v198, will update or resolve issue tomorrow.


tcutchi commented 7 months ago

V198 seems to be working as intended! Closing as resolved.