Aurora-RGB / Aurora

Unified lighting effects across multiple brands and various games.
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Logitech (RGB.NET) only shows one Color #194

Closed HrKnuddel closed 3 months ago

HrKnuddel commented 5 months ago

Expected Behaviour

The Ambilight Layer Type shows the Display i selected and the Logitech G910 Displays it correctly

Actual Behaviour

My Logitech G910 only show one color (in my case Green) even though the Info from the Software and the Bitmap Debug Window shows the right color (See Screenshot) grafik If the Color green is not present in the RGB Values there will be no other Color. It like there is only the Color Green as an option and the other are always zero If i deactivate Aurora and let GHub take control over the Lighting of my Keyboard every Color just works fine

My Guess is, that the Color is depended on the Accent Color of Windows

Reproduction steps

If i start the "Logitech (RGB.NET)" Device (because it always fails to start, because Aurora starts so fast, that GHub can't start in Time) it was automatically there.


Everytime i did it, after i upgraded from v194 to either v210 or v211, but it still happens in v212

Aurora Version:


Previously an Issue?

in Version v194 it wasn't

Additional Info

I updated from v194 to try to get rid of the Problem that Aurora is starting to fast and then can't launch the Logitech integration correctly. I tried to change the Startup with Windows with a delay, but somehow it does not save the settings i make. At least at the next reboot the Settings are gone. Aurora is running with Admin Perms, so that there should be no Problems with writing the settings in a file or something. Maybe you can add a save Button to the General Settings Tab (maybe also other Settings tabs) and can show an error if Aurora can not save the Settings

While writing this Issue i restarted the Device-manager to get the Logitech Integration back to working because i wanted to test that my Keyboard isn't the Issue. After the Device-manager was restarted i saw every entry double, with other entries between the same entry. See Screenshot grafik That may be two (or more) issues in one, but i didn't want to make multiple Issues with mostly the same Data


2024-01-30 06.49.17.log 2024-01-30 18.19.24.log 2024-01-31 17.22.16.log 2024-01-31 18.20.59.log Devices-2024-01-31 18.22.26.log

Aytackydln commented 5 months ago

Does the setting save problem still happen with v212?

Aytackydln commented 5 months ago

Does changing device layout fix the single color issue?

Aytackydln commented 5 months ago

My current guess is your whole device's color is set to one key's color. Can you identify that key?

Aytackydln commented 5 months ago

Another thing to test, how does Aurora behave if you only have one device, only mouse and only keyboard?

HrKnuddel commented 5 months ago

Does the setting save problem still happen with v212?

I checked the Box with "Start with Windows" and changed the Delay Then i quit Aurora via the System Tray and opened it up again... the Delay was still changed, but the "Start with Windows" Box was unchecked again. so yes

Does changing device layout fix the single color issue?

I tried multiple diffrent Keyboard Layouts and that didn't fixed it

My current guess is your whole device's color is set to one key's color. Can you identify that key?

I don't see any Key, that should have this color.. it would explain why everything else works, but its only showing the green color. The only other thing that maybe can influence the color should be the color my Mouse gets, when i want to look at the battery of the mouse

Another thing to test, how does Aurora behave if you only have one device, only mouse and only keyboard?

I tried it, but it seems that nothing changes. but while testing that I restarted the "Logitech (RGB.NET)" Device in the Device Manager, because it didn't noticed the change, and in result of that i can't relaunch it. It fails with the Info "Failed to initilazie Logitech-SDK." I relaunched GHub and then it works again. But when i did it the second time to revert the changes I made, this hotfix didn'T worked

I hope that information helped you a little

Aytackydln commented 5 months ago

Can you try the latest pre-release?

HrKnuddel commented 5 months ago

I am currently not home; i can try it on Saturday again

HrKnuddel commented 5 months ago

I tried the lastest pre-release and it didn't change anything

Aytackydln commented 3 months ago

This should be resolved in latest pre-release

HrKnuddel commented 3 months ago

I am sorry to tell you, but it did not fixed my problem... My keyboard still shows just the green part of the Bitmap, that it should show

HrKnuddel commented 3 months ago

I can provide you with more logs, with an error about the Task Scheduler 2024-03-21 18.23.56.log 2024-03-21 18.25.11.log 2024-03-21 18.29.29.log Devices-2024-03-21 19.24.02.log Devices-2024-03-21 19.24.30.log Devices-2024-03-21 19.24.37.log Devices-2024-03-21 19.24.39.log Devices-2024-03-21 19.25.18.log Devices-2024-03-21 19.29.36.log

I hope this helps you

Aytackydln commented 3 months ago

you can also try non logitech if you want