AuroraCollegeSDD2020 / 12SDD_Course_Information_v2

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9.2.4-Testing-and-evaluating-of-software-solutions#testing-the-software-solution #30

Open ProfStick opened 4 years ago

ProfStick commented 4 years ago

Students learn about:

• comparison of the solution with the design specifications • generating relevant test data for complex solutions • comparison of actual with expected output • levels of testing – module

Students learn to:

• differentiate between systems and program test data • test their solution with the test data created at the design stage, comparing actual with expected output • use drivers and/or stubs to test specific modules and subroutines before the rest of the code is developed • recognise the importance of module testing before the module or subroutine is incorporated into the larger solution • recognise that while an individual program or module may have been successfully tested, when it is incorporated into a larger system, problems may become apparent