Auroriax / PuzzleScriptPlus

Puzzlescript Plus: Open Source HTML5 Puzzle Game Engine (with lots of extra functionality)
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Level select should show current level nr, total # of levels, and completion percentage #112

Open Auroriax opened 1 year ago

Auroriax commented 1 year ago

Check ([ ] -> [x]) all that apply, then describe the issue below:

The level selection should show the level number of the current selection, the total number of levels, as well as the completion percentage. For current/total level counts, these should be displayed as: 6/12 or perhaps 6 of 12 for clarity. And completion should display 33% (rounded to nearest integer). There might be edge cases (e.g. total amount of sections is not equal to the amount of sections displayed in the menu)

The most important annoyance this solves is having to label the levels with a number manually (in the section name). Also, in games where you can play the levels in any order, this still helps the player to maintain a sense of progress.

I probably want this as an optional flag. Especially % completion might not desired for every game.